Funding Mr. Binkzy the Murderbeast's vet bills
Donation protected
This is normally the best of days for us, as Halloween is our favorite holiday, but this afternoon, we got the absolute worst horrible news.

Someone shot our cat.

October 31st, around 3pm, our cat was found in a neighbors driveway on Fletcher Rd. He wore his claws to the bone dragging himself up the driveway.
He is alive, but we are unsure if he will be able to use his back legs.
The doctor at the veterinarian emergency hospital says the wound indicates a gun shot. They did an xray, bloodwork, gave him and IV, and an ultrasound.
They found two holes, and traces of metal, consistent with a bullet wound.
They believe the bullet went in from the top, ricocheted off the vertebrate and out from his lower abdomen.
Mr Binky is currently checked into a 24 hour ICU. The projectile entered high on one side of his spine and exited low on the other. X-rays showed no broken bones or fractures, ultra sounds indicate no continued internal bleeding, and his blood work is within the normal ranges. He is receiving pain meds, IVs, and could be possibly cathetered. He is having trouble standing on his back legs, but his rear paws react to touch and when they take his temperature his rectum reacts normally. Tomorrow he has a neurological consultation and an MRI.
Now is the waiting game to see if the nerves are affected due the trauma or there is permanent damage. Mr Binkzy in receiving the best care possible. He is at one of the best emergency vet hospitals in the area in Leesburg, Va.
Thank you, any help is appreciated.

We spoke to Officer Henry and Officer Gibson, who took our statement. Everyone at Animal Services has been very helpful.
“Officer Gibson told me that even in his condition, he was nothing but loving and friendly with her. We are all thinking of him and you guys. “
EVEN in massive amounts of pain, he was LOVING and FRIENDLY. This exemplifies the character of the cat.
I have credit cards and savings, but this is adding up to be a lot of money. I have no reservations about paying it, but these are hard times for everyone. We are currently a one income house, due to the entertainment industry being shut down from Covid19.
This is the bill for JUST the initial overnight visit.

He is being seen by a neurologist and getting an MRI today (Nov 1), which will be an additional $5,000+
We love him so much. It will all be worth it if he can walk again.
He is an amazing cat, smart, kind, loving, excellent communicator. He lived in the neighborhood before we moved in. He has adopted several families, but chose us to sleep with at night. We have been taking care of him, paying is regular vet bills, and giving him his vaccinations and flea treatments for 4 years.

Someone shot our cat.

October 31st, around 3pm, our cat was found in a neighbors driveway on Fletcher Rd. He wore his claws to the bone dragging himself up the driveway.
He is alive, but we are unsure if he will be able to use his back legs.
The doctor at the veterinarian emergency hospital says the wound indicates a gun shot. They did an xray, bloodwork, gave him and IV, and an ultrasound.
They found two holes, and traces of metal, consistent with a bullet wound.
They believe the bullet went in from the top, ricocheted off the vertebrate and out from his lower abdomen.
Mr Binky is currently checked into a 24 hour ICU. The projectile entered high on one side of his spine and exited low on the other. X-rays showed no broken bones or fractures, ultra sounds indicate no continued internal bleeding, and his blood work is within the normal ranges. He is receiving pain meds, IVs, and could be possibly cathetered. He is having trouble standing on his back legs, but his rear paws react to touch and when they take his temperature his rectum reacts normally. Tomorrow he has a neurological consultation and an MRI.
Now is the waiting game to see if the nerves are affected due the trauma or there is permanent damage. Mr Binkzy in receiving the best care possible. He is at one of the best emergency vet hospitals in the area in Leesburg, Va.
Thank you, any help is appreciated.

We spoke to Officer Henry and Officer Gibson, who took our statement. Everyone at Animal Services has been very helpful.
“Officer Gibson told me that even in his condition, he was nothing but loving and friendly with her. We are all thinking of him and you guys. “
EVEN in massive amounts of pain, he was LOVING and FRIENDLY. This exemplifies the character of the cat.
I have credit cards and savings, but this is adding up to be a lot of money. I have no reservations about paying it, but these are hard times for everyone. We are currently a one income house, due to the entertainment industry being shut down from Covid19.
This is the bill for JUST the initial overnight visit.

He is being seen by a neurologist and getting an MRI today (Nov 1), which will be an additional $5,000+
We love him so much. It will all be worth it if he can walk again.
He is an amazing cat, smart, kind, loving, excellent communicator. He lived in the neighborhood before we moved in. He has adopted several families, but chose us to sleep with at night. We have been taking care of him, paying is regular vet bills, and giving him his vaccinations and flea treatments for 4 years.

Mab Just Mab
Sterling, VA