Help our About FACE student enrichment program
Addiction is real. Recovery is difficult for even the strongest adult. It is even more difficult when facing recovery as a teen. I recently had the pleasure of meeting some extraordinary students in our local community who have faced these difficult challenges and are working on their recovery while they still face the challenges of finishing high school. These amazing students are taking each day head-on and working on setting goals that can get them through their education and adapting life skills that will help them be successful.
My name is Peggy and I am a volunteer at Fuzzy Faces Refuge. Fuzzy Faces Refuge is a non-profit 501©(3) organization that exists to provide people with challenges the opportunity to interact with and enjoy experiences with endangered animals or horses to enable positive progress in overcoming psychological, physical, or emotional wounds by restoring a sense of self, quality of life and hope.
We have recently become a community partner with Wake Monarch Academy, the only addiction recovery high school in Raleigh, NC, and are pursuing a pilot SEL/AI (Social-Emotional Learning/Animal Interaction) program, “About F.A.C.E. (Farm Animals Creating Enrichment).” Since both of our organizations are 501 ©(3), we need your help to ‘kick start’ with initial funding. It is our hope to raise $1,200 to provide these students with this unique and special opportunity!
Peggy Jensen
Clayton, NC