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COVID Relief for Weaving Communities in Nepal

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Although it has not been widely covered, Nepal has been struggling under a severe Covid surge . One of the poorest countries in the world, Nepal has little resources to provide for the population effected by this crisis, and so smaller groups are stepping up to do what they can.

Weaving Dreams , a grassroots organization based in Kathmandu, has worked for several years to assist the weaving community with essentials such as childcare,  education, sanitation, and, since the onset of the pandemic, Covid 19 relief. In our ongoing effort to lift our producers and their communities, Portland based Kush Rugs began supporting them with monthly contributions in March of 2021 .

To date, the team at Weaving Dreams has distributed rice, lentils, PPP,  cooking oil, and access to hand-washing facilities to many weavers and their families. They need our help to continue this important work.

Today, we are asking you to help Weaving Dreams provide ration kits to 400 weavers across Kathmandu, Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur, and to replenish their emergency fund  to prepare them for the next phase in their mission to change the lives of the weavers in Nepal.

The health and wellbeing of our friends and colleagues in South Asia is so important to us, and we have been heartbroken to watch as Covid has overwhelmed those countries. We are so grateful for any support you can provide.

All our best,

Rebecca, Brian, and The Team at Kush Rugs


Rebecca Lurie Kush Rugs
Portland, OR

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