My daughter and her husband just gave birth to twins at 25 weeks. The babies are very tiny but are doing well considering. They will be in the NICU for at least 2 months but more likely 3 months. They live about 70 miles from the hospital so the back and forth expenses are going to be super high. The babies are a complete miracle in every aspect. Mom got very sick and doctors were concerned about her health and then they found out babies developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome at about 21 week and had to go to Seattle for a surgery to correct this. Right before the surgery one of the babies passed away and then came back to life again. The doctor said this had never happened and she had done more then 500 procedures. She said herself these babies are miracles. Then the babies were making mom very sick again and she was in the hospital for 10 days with serious problems. The doctors released her and she went into labor 2 days later. As you can assume so far it has cost an immense amount of money. Hotels and gas money alone and then you add the loss of work. And now for the next 2-3 months they will be driving back and forth to be with the babies. Anything will help. Also please note that they do not get state support. Normally they both work and struggle like normal young people.