Help my uncle & aunt pay their hospital bills
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My name is Angi and I’m trying to raise money for my uncle Joey Adoremos and his wife Malou Adoremos. They live in the Philippines and got into a car accident on August 21 in Lucban, Quezon. The accident has so far left my uncle unable to feel or move his legs and a C5 neck fracture. He has been transferred to St Luke’s Medical Center BGC in Taguig. They already have accumulated a large amount of bills since the accident, which have required ongoing payments. Our families are helping with both Joey and Malou’s bills but we won’t be able to cover all of them. I’ll be posting updates as I learn more, since there is a 12 hour time difference between the east coast and the Philippines and Malou’s daughter Bea is currently our go between as she is able to see them in the hospital. They are currently awaiting ICU beds and are still in the ER at St Luke’s
update 2/20 from my tita Malou Adoremos:
February 21 marks the 6th month since we had our car accident, allow me to give you some updates on Joey Adoremos, my husband.
We are finally home. Got discharged last Jan 10, 2024 leaving the hospital with a promissory note for our unpaid balance of millions.
We gave up our place at Taytay and are now staying at our Marikina home. Converting our living room into a bedroom with a hospital setup complete with a hospital bed that was sponsored by a friend of my dear sister-in-law, a portable heavy duty suction machine, nebulizer, oxygen tank, the gadgets to get his vitals, and 24/7 care of a private nurse. He went home via ambulance with a trache, peg and suprapubic catheter.
After celebrating Joey’s birthday, Christmas and New Year at the hospital, it was a relief that we got to celebrate our 4th wedding Anniversary and my birthday at home. But on those days we were just trying to make ourselves happy and feel the moment. The following day after discharge, Joey was down with fever. Had desaturation episodes, so bad which made him dependent on oxygen for support. Trache and urinary issues too. To top it all, he doesn't want me to call a doctor during those days. But with prayers and the help of our family doctor (Kuya Eugene) who Joey finally agreed to consult after almost a week of his suffering, we were able to surpass this home adjustment period.
Joey is no longer dependent on oxygen. Though for a few days oxygen support was needed due to desaturation episodes during suctioning. But lately this is no longer necessary. His soft food diet intake (orally) increased as compared during confinement days. Another good news, he told me that his lower extremities could finally feel hot and at other times cold. Even if touch sensory is not yet present, we still embrace and are happy with this big development.
We survived our first month with God’s grace. Joey’s daily expenses correspond to a monthly paycheck of other people. Our total expenses in a month is approximately 500k. Most of this was contributed by the salary of a private nurse, our monthly obligation at the hospital on top of his milk for peg feeding, medications and medical supplies.
When funds were dwindling, and the fear of not being able to provide for Joey’s needs in the coming days kept boggling my mind, God somehow told me… “I know Malou”. HE surely loves to surprise me. There will be days I would receive cash assistance from friends without me asking. Delivery of diapers from my ex in-laws. My sis-in-law in the US sent the remaining funds from the GoFundMe initiated by our niece and proceeds from the items she disposed of just to raise funds for Joey. No words can express the gratitude I feel for helping us.
To keep my sanity intact, I would receive words of encouragement from my truest of friends. Some even visited (announced and unannounced). They have been my constant support since the very beginning. And of course our kids, my brothers, my mom who always finds time to pray for us, my cousin Ate My who has been very supportive of my well-being, and Joey's sister who makes sure to check-up on us regularly. You guys are the best!!!
This is just the beginning of our very long journey outside the hospital. I know many of you might be saying… “Here she goes again. Asking for assistance.” It is what it is. We could not sustain Joey's needs even if my children combined their salaries. We also have other normal daily needs and obligations. We are working on our request for financial assistance from the government but this might take some time and the amount on how much it would be is not guaranteed.
With our dwindling funds, Joey never had any follow up check-up from his doctors. Therapies were stopped after discharge. I need to prioritize his needs which are his food, medication and the salary of our nurses.
I am personally requesting assistance. We love Joey so much that even if our pride is at stake, we will continue to ask for it just for him to achieve his full recovery.
My GCash Acct: Ma. Lourdes Gonzales - 09163492626
My Metrobank Acct: Ma. Lourdes Adoremos - 362-3-362-061971
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Lord, we trust in You.
Update 1/8/2024 — hello my friends. Thank you for taking the time to read our story. As of now, my uncle is ready for discharge but the hospital is demanding that his doctors bill be paid in full before release. That’s 2.1 million pesos or $38,000 USD. That is on top of the remaining balance of hospital bills amounting to almost 5 million pesos or nearly $90,000 USD. Though there is a law that prevents hospitals from detaining patients for inability to pay, the law excludes patients in private rooms. My uncle needs a private room because of the high chance of acquiring respiratory illness via his tracheostomy, and with Covid on the rise, we cannot take the chance of him losing the health he has regained. Because of everyone’s generosity and kindness thus far, he has been able to participate in physical therapy, can now talk via Passey-Muir valve, and can enjoy food. He remains functionally immobile but now has his own wheelchair. His wife, my Tito Malou, walks to get his medications from outside pharmacies and purchases medical supplies (eg trach supplies) from outside suppliers because it is cheaper than from the hospital.
My family is currently living in a catch 22 nightmare — can’t afford to stay another day in the hospital but can’t afford to pay so they can leave. They are hostages of St Luke’s. Thanks to each and every one of you who has given so generously, and has kept my family in your hearts. It means more than you could ever know.
Update 12/22 - hello all! We are desperate as the holidays quickly approach. Tito Joey is scheduled to be discharged hopefully after Christmas. He still remains trached, paralyzed, and dependent on medical care. Spirits are much better but as soon as he is discharged, the hospital is demanding payment immediately. The hospital bill is now upwards of 9 million Philippine pesos ($160k USD). To date, 4 million pesos remains the balance. Their monthly bill is projected to be $2500 a month. Any treatment or supply he needs will have to be paid for out of pocket. As it stands, every single physical therapy treatment, every vial of antibiotic, each travel oxygen tank must be paid for individually. They are currently purchasing antibiotics outside of the hospital because purchasing it from the hospital is 2x as much.
They have exhausted the charitable resources the country has to offer them and now they must pay or else he will suffer the consequences of poverty — trach care supplies, physical therapy sessions, feedings, etc. Anything you could possibly give during this incredibly desperate time is appreciated beyond measure. Thank you and happy holidays!
update 9/17 - my apologies for the delayed update! They are both recovering well — Tito Joey is tolerating the trach well and has even been able to eat some food. He is loving chocolate cake and ice cream and is in great spirits. Tita malou is recovering well from her VATS surgery and is able to visit Tito Joey in his icu room. They are so thankful for the tremendous amount of support from everyone. Because of the complications following their car accident (ie unexpected surgeries), their hospital bill is currently upwards of $2 million pesos (~$36k USD). The continued support and love has had such a profound impact on our family and is so truly appreciated by us all.
update 9/5 - today Tito Joey is recovering from having a tracheostomy placed (durable long term airway in the neck instead of a breathing tube in the mouth). This is will make it possible for him to be more participative in physical therapy and will allow for him to be more comfortable. It is also a way for his breathing to be assisted outside of the ICU. Nevertheless this is a disappointing next step as it prolongs his need for hospitalization and delays being able to go home to recover. Because of the injury to his spinal cord, he still depends on the ventilator to breathe. He also has dysautonomia, which means that his ability to regulate basic functions like heart rate, blood pressure, etc is affected because of the injury. Because of this, his blood pressure has been consistently low and requires help of ICU-only IV medication (norepinephrine) to keep his blood pressure in an acceptable range. Throughout all of these challenges, he remains positive and so grateful for everyone’s support and prayers. Tita malou is out of the ICU and recovering on the regular floor but is still managing the symptoms of a nasty pneumonia, which is making it difficult for her to breathe. The hope is that once Tito Joey no longer needs ICU care, he and tita malou will be able to share a room on the floor to encourage each other’s recovery.
update 8/29 - tita malou is now well enough to be transferred out of the icu! She still has a chest tube in place but drainage is minimal now. She is doing what she can to stay physical and active to aid in the healing of her fractured vertebrae (T12, L3). Tito Joey is still intubated but ventilator settings are minimal now. Blood pressure is still borderline low and he is still in the ICU. He is still unable to feel or move from the chest down but has started physical therapy via passive range of motion. The hope is to start incorporating more PT sessions each day to aid in his recovery.
update 8/26 - in the last 24 hours, Tito Joey needed emergent intubation for difficulty breathing and desaturations of his oxygen level. A CT scan confirmed a blood clot in his lungs (pulmonary embolism). He remains in critical condition but has started blood thinners to treat the clot. Tita Malou also remains in the ICU with a chest tube to manage the internal accumulation of blood. She is recovering from broken ribs and 3 fractured vertebrae. The doctors are planning on surgically fixing the vertebrae after her internal bleeding has resolved. I have increased the goal as now their hospital bills are projected to be upwards of $50k USD. Thank you for your continued support and for sharing this with your circle
update 8/24: Tito Joey is currently recovering in the ICU after his ACDF surgery (anterior cervical discectomy and fusion). His neck is stabilized and more space has been created so that his spinal cord has room to heal. He currently still does not have any function in his legs and the surgeon has a guarded prognosis for him. However, he is extubated (no breathing tube) and vital signs are stable. We are all hopeful that he will have some return of function with time. Thank you again for all the support, I cannot say that enough
update 8/23 - tito Joey is scheduled for a cervical spinal cord decompression for the morning of 8/24. He’s beginning to have involuntary movement of his legs which is promising for some degree of recovery of movement. Thank you to everyone who has donated and prayed for my family. We are so grateful and appreciate all of you!
Bronte Lantin
Bowie, MD