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Help My Mom Through Her Toughest Fight

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Hi, my name is Kayla and I'm raising money here for my mom's cancer treatment. It may seem cliché, but she is truly more than just my mom. She is my best friend, confidant, partner-in-crime, and my voice of reason. Her diagnosis has shaken our family to its core, as she's always been healthy and happy, giving all of herself to those around her. My mom never asks anything of anyone, but right now, we're trying to rally around her in this dire time of need.

A few months ago, my mom was diagnosed with Myelofibrosis (MF), a rare bone marrow cancer. As one can imagine, this news was devastating for all of us. The anemia associated with this awful disease has caused her a lot of weakness and fatigue, in addition to compromising her immune system during a worldwide pandemic. The disruption in normal blood cell production creates other problems as well, making day-to-day life so much harder for my mom. These challenges have already complicated her treatment plan quite a bit, and in addition to the health consequences of her diagnosis, we're currently grappling with the financial burden.

Money is the last thing any cancer patient should have to worry about when fighting for their lives, yet 25% of them struggle to afford proper care. The steep costs involved are discouraging, to say the least, but we're ready to face this head-on. In my mom's case, insurance is covering many of the necessary tests and procedures, but not all of them. Depending on the progress made at each step, treatment will require multiple blood transfusions, drug therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and a stem cell transplant.

The overwhelming journey ahead will be physically and mentally difficult for my mom. We're looking for donations to help cover her medical expenses during chemo, transplant, critical care periods, out-of-pocket, and post-treatment, as well as support that will be provided to the donor's expenses during the treatment process.

This is our family's most crucial time of need for anyone who's willing to open their heart and lend a hand. We appreciate any amount people can give. If there are any additional funds left over after treatment, they will all be donated directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society . Thank you for your support.

Faire un don


  • Macilynn Ames
    • 50 $ 
    • 2 ans
  • Bruce Parham
    • 100 $ 
    • 2 ans
  • James Takakuwa
    • 100 $ 
    • 3 ans
  • Cory Moore
    • 50 $ 
    • 3 ans
  • Sy Vo
    • 50 $ 
    • 3 ans
Faire un don


Kayla Stephens
Newport Beach, CA

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