Help my friend and his family to find the hope again
Donation protected
Hi I’m Munira Vauall from Germany I made this compaging to help my friend Osama Kahlout . The money will be delivered to Osama via MoneyGram.
Osama will write his story :
First of all, thank you for taking apart of your time to read the story of my friend in Gaza .
I am Osama and this is my story
My beautiful little family and I were living in a small, warm home full of love, care and the hope for a luminous future. I was working day and night, in more than one place, to be able to provide a decent life for my children and my family. This charming home was one of my goals that I achieved after hard work that I did over more than 10 years. I was always trying to provide good food, appropriate clothes, recreational toys for my kids, and a good future that I had hoped would be beautiful.
Suddenly, overnight, the war came like an unexpected smack.
Our lives were completely turned upside down. I totally lost my source of income. I lost my home which means the feeling of security, and the warm embrace of my family. My children lost their nice, simple things, their clothes, their toys, and their future, in which they dreamed of having an important role in building society.
After our house became ashes, my children’s clothes evaporated, their toys were scattered in the street, and their future became black and bleak in which we could not see a glimmer of light. I lost virtually everything I owned, and I lost even the presence of my family around me after we became homeless and had no shelter, that each of us became 4 hours away from the other..!!
Who will reunite my family, my children's things, and restore what remains of my children's future?

The war was like a nightmare that it brought into our lives without warning, destroying all hope for a safe and stable future for my small family. Our warm home, which I took pride in as a symbol and a sacrifice, for a while after day turned into soulless rubble, the things that represented the children disintegrating before our eyes.
Screaming and fighting filled the streets, everything that expressed fear and apprehension. I used to hear children crying a lot at night, not only from hunger, but from the fear that gripped them as they did not wish they were somewhere else, far away from this hell that our lives had become.
Our lives have been completely turned upside down. So, we had to get out, not as a choice, but as a desperate and life-stressing need. We left our home, which was a haven of safety and security, and headed to unfamiliar and unknown roads, and searched for a place that would provide us with refuge and protection.
I didn't realize how big my kids would be in the tents. They have eyes full of confusion and fear, blown away by the things they grew up in, and leaving behind everything that represented their childhood and safety. They suddenly began to adapt to new, difficult environments and circumstances, while I thought about anything I could remember them differently and the simplicity I had lost.
The need to travel was only to change our place of residence, but rather to escape from danger and inevitable death while we were in the place we were in. I know that this is a suitable challenge for my family, as we have to give up everything, including the children of my dreams, so that we can survive and hopefully rebuild our lives again in a safe place and create my children to continue their education in a safe environment and I can prepare for a new home. And warm to get a job opportunity to live in stability.
If not, start donating and then participating for the sake of my children.
Travel cost details:
From $5000 to $8000 per person for father and children From $2500 to $3000
Knowing that it is me, the corn, and four children
My children Lama, Jana, Sama and Karim
2 * 8000 = 16000
4 * 4000 = 12000
The cost of sleeping for three months is $11,000
What we have is $40,000 and any donation increases our lives restored

This is my home before the war ⬇️

Vauall Munira
Frankfurt, Hessen