Help Mike of Cold Fury and The Belmont Playboys
Donation protected
This's Big Country Expat
This's Big Country Expat
(Stronk Language Warning)
I just got word that my brother-from-another-mother Mike Hendrix, late of the famed rockabilly band The Belmont Playboys and more recently of the Blog "Cold Fury" http://coldfury.com/ has gotten seriously hemmed up medically speaking. Last Thursday after a slightly prolonged absence from his blog, I reached out to him to find out WTF was going on and I heard back that he'd come down with a nasty case of food poisoning.
Since then, apparently something faaar MOR serious happened.
His brother (actual) Jeff called me tonight as I left one of my more 'colorful messages' on his phone (in possession currently by his sainted lil ole Lady Mom) who apparently when she recovered from my diatribe, had Jeff call me to fill me in on whats up.
Essentially Mike's seriously fucked up.
Food Poisoning turned out to be a MAD infection. His diabeetus didn't help the issue, so they had to lop off his foot, then his leg, as the infection was/is spreading. They're fixin' to make it even MOR stumpy as the infection still isn't under control. He's in critical/ICU level condition, but NOT COVID related thank the Gods.
So, My brother-from-another-mother, henceforth now known as "Peg-Leg Mikey" is gonna have some serious life altering needs. So hence Ye Olde GoFundMe Fundraiser.
I'm starting the ball rolling with the remainder of my 'raising Christmas' fund, and ask you please to help in any way, shape or form. Mike is damned fine people and has entertained people from all walks of life, either musically or through his magnificent acerbic writing and wit.
As they say, step up and help a brother out.
I Remain The Intrepid Reporter,
Worried as all get-the-hell-out
Big Country
So far, so good! Mike’s brother hit me this A.M. He came out of surgery and is actually doing well. ‘Cept missing his leg and all… better a leg than the junk however amiright? So they –think- they got ALL the problematic infection out, and that he’s stable. ICU’d but stable. So, Please let me know in the comments -how- we can get MOR folks onboard to spreading the word about Mike. Tons of /ourguys have stepped up… All the usual suspects. Wirecutter, Phil, Miguel, Borepatch, Claire Wolfe no less! Peter at Bayou Ren, maaaan all the greats got on board… cept you Art? Whaddup with that?
OK, so and update to the update. To answer some of the questions out there, The root cause of this was Mike had food poisoning, barfing whilst at the same time shitting hisself to the point you don’t get off the shitter, you just get a BIGGER bucket to hold the puke.
Seems he has the diabeetus, which when the infection ackchully spread to a body-wide dealio, his left foot essentially died… like gangrene. The infection started working it’s way up his leg, and in order to save his life, the sawbones did just that. Incrementally to save -as much- of his leg as they could. They kept at it, hacking AND Massive Medications, and from what I’ve heard, they got ALL the shit (the infection itself) handled, but now?
Well, lets just say Mikey ain’t gonna need a “Left” Air Jordan anytime soon… His shit ends just above where the knee -was-
Now, to be utterly honest, not a bad spot to stop cutting. I know me personally at least three guys (Infantry/SF and ALL still on active duty last I heard) who’ve had legs lopped off, blown off or generally ‘removed’ in unnatural incidents… (although one we never speak of, as it involved three Mexican chicks, a Tijuana Donkey Show, a jelly donut and some –serious– depravity… ugly doesn’t begin to describe the scene)
Anywho, new stump-covers are really fucking good these days, hence my fundraiser. And he’s gonna need a LOT of drinks too…. Wars tend to seriously advance our know-how when it comes to traumatic Limb Injury… ask Aesop aboot it….
Now, Any suggestions to ‘kick it up a notch’ would be appreciated and to all you bloggers who jumped on the promotion train, I do indeed thank Ye All.
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
We got to watch out for each other, and to all y’all who stepped up… y’all are the best.
So that’s the lastest… Pass it on!
Got the addy of where they go Mike stashed. I actually talked to him today and boy-howdy, he’s in an especially ornery mood, as well he should be. He’s also high as all get the hell out on the good stuff. Bad news is the infection is now on his spine… they’re working it, and it’s ‘minor’ for the sake of minor, but he’s still kicking, and as I told him only the good die young…
So He’s at
CaroMont Regional Medical Center 2525 Court Dr, Gastonia, NC 28054
I know I’ve annoyed y’all enough but any love you can show him is much appreciated, as he said “I’m trapped here naked, eatin’ shitty food, and for some reason one of my legs is missing!!!”
The ‘good stuff’ indeed.
So yeah, no calls to him however. He’s got to rest and get better, so don’t be blowing up the fon there Aye?
Much Love to Everyone and Prayers for my Brother From Another Mother
I Remain The Intrepid Reporter
Big Country
Per the request of the GoFundMe Team, we needed someone to handle the cash, so in order to avoid those entanglements, so’s we got Billy up thar to be the go-to-guy. Many thanks for that Bro! After talking to him n’Jeff, I guess it’s literally be a bag full of cash being parceled out…That's the William Coughlin mentioned above. He'll be handling the money on behalf of Mike until such time as Mike's up and operational. Just an FYI so's we can git this ball rolling.
So far, so good! Mike’s brother hit me this A.M. He came out of surgery and is actually doing well. ‘Cept missing his leg and all… better a leg than the junk however amiright? So they –think- they got ALL the problematic infection out, and that he’s stable. ICU’d but stable. So, Please let me know in the comments -how- we can get MOR folks onboard to spreading the word about Mike. Tons of /ourguys have stepped up… All the usual suspects. Wirecutter, Phil, Miguel, Borepatch, Claire Wolfe no less! Peter at Bayou Ren, maaaan all the greats got on board… cept you Art? Whaddup with that?
OK, so and update to the update. To answer some of the questions out there, The root cause of this was Mike had food poisoning, barfing whilst at the same time shitting hisself to the point you don’t get off the shitter, you just get a BIGGER bucket to hold the puke.
Seems he has the diabeetus, which when the infection ackchully spread to a body-wide dealio, his left foot essentially died… like gangrene. The infection started working it’s way up his leg, and in order to save his life, the sawbones did just that. Incrementally to save -as much- of his leg as they could. They kept at it, hacking AND Massive Medications, and from what I’ve heard, they got ALL the shit (the infection itself) handled, but now?
Well, lets just say Mikey ain’t gonna need a “Left” Air Jordan anytime soon… His shit ends just above where the knee -was-
Now, to be utterly honest, not a bad spot to stop cutting. I know me personally at least three guys (Infantry/SF and ALL still on active duty last I heard) who’ve had legs lopped off, blown off or generally ‘removed’ in unnatural incidents… (although one we never speak of, as it involved three Mexican chicks, a Tijuana Donkey Show, a jelly donut and some –serious– depravity… ugly doesn’t begin to describe the scene)
Anywho, new stump-covers are really fucking good these days, hence my fundraiser. And he’s gonna need a LOT of drinks too…. Wars tend to seriously advance our know-how when it comes to traumatic Limb Injury… ask Aesop aboot it….
Now, Any suggestions to ‘kick it up a notch’ would be appreciated and to all you bloggers who jumped on the promotion train, I do indeed thank Ye All.
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
We got to watch out for each other, and to all y’all who stepped up… y’all are the best.
So that’s the lastest… Pass it on!
Got the addy of where they go Mike stashed. I actually talked to him today and boy-howdy, he’s in an especially ornery mood, as well he should be. He’s also high as all get the hell out on the good stuff. Bad news is the infection is now on his spine… they’re working it, and it’s ‘minor’ for the sake of minor, but he’s still kicking, and as I told him only the good die young…
So He’s at
CaroMont Regional Medical Center 2525 Court Dr, Gastonia, NC 28054
I know I’ve annoyed y’all enough but any love you can show him is much appreciated, as he said “I’m trapped here naked, eatin’ shitty food, and for some reason one of my legs is missing!!!”
The ‘good stuff’ indeed.
So yeah, no calls to him however. He’s got to rest and get better, so don’t be blowing up the fon there Aye?
Much Love to Everyone and Prayers for my Brother From Another Mother
I Remain The Intrepid Reporter
Big Country
Per the request of the GoFundMe Team, we needed someone to handle the cash, so in order to avoid those entanglements, so’s we got Billy up thar to be the go-to-guy. Many thanks for that Bro! After talking to him n’Jeff, I guess it’s literally be a bag full of cash being parceled out…That's the William Coughlin mentioned above. He'll be handling the money on behalf of Mike until such time as Mike's up and operational. Just an FYI so's we can git this ball rolling.
Organizer and beneficiary
Big Country
Riverview, FL