Help Me Donate 50-Year Overdue Library Book Fine to Charity!
Tax deductible
A little over fifty years ago, I checked out a book called "Baseball's Zaniest Stars" from the Warren (Mich.) Public Library and, long story short, I forgot to return it, and I still have the book.
You can read the news article about this here:
I went to the library on the 50th anniversary of the due date to return it and, as it turns out, they had already erased the book (and me, the patron!) out of their system.
The library did forgive the late fees, although they indicated that, had I been charged as normal, the fine would add up to $4,563.75!
Even so, I am still somewhat embarrassed that I neglected to return the book on time, so I want to make good on it in some way.
To that end, I am seeking to raise at least the amount of the fine to donate to the national charity Reading is Fundamental, whose mission is to "[connect] children with the joy of reading to spark imaginations and possibilities, putting kids on a path of reading proficiency. Because every child deserves the chance to succeed." Read more about RIF here: https://www.rif.org/. Please note that all donations go directly to RIF—no money passes through my hands at all.
I am hoping to exceed the funding goal in order to help as many children as possible benefit from this outstanding charity's efforts.
I have already donated the first 10% of the goal, which will still go to RIF even if not another penny is raised—although I hope that is not the case.
I hope you can help. Thank you!

Charles Hildebrandt
Chicago, IL
Reading Is Fundamental