chasing my dream to world out games
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Hello family, friends & supporters,
My name is Adebayo katiiti a transgender man from uganda who came to Edmonton in August 2016 with team uganda for International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics (IGLA) ,l won 9 gold medals and 1 silver during the competition and i coundnot go back home with my team because my family disowned me and threatened to kill me if i go back, iam currently a protected person in canada.
Iam persuing my goal of competing in the 2017 world out games in miami, i train by myself at edmonton city recreational centers .
since the age of 4 ,i have been playing sports and dreamed on the day i will participate in sports with out being being discrimated because of my gender identity and here is my chance. in 2009 i joined the uganda women national soccer team were i faced alot of discrimation by coaches and players, ln 2012 i was able to learn swimming and competed at the university and national team level , my love and passionance for sports helped me earn my self scholarship in schools and at the university.
Iam asking for your help to raise the funds, which will cover my travel document and certificate,food,rent and flight while in miami.
Iam very happy to be here in canada and i wouldn't have been happy if it wasnt not you having the tools to help me achieve my goal and dream is the intergal to my chance of success.
your support and help to my travel is very important and l appreciate it .
Thank you so much in advance your good will and good intentions are much appreaciated. l wouidnt have made it this far with out your support as afriend , family and everyone.
If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me;[email redacted],,
Attached my interview with media News
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Ugandan transgender man secures refugee status in Edmonton
Clare Clancy
More from Clare Clancy
Published on: December 11, 2016 | Last Updated: December 11, 2016 5:16 PM MST
Adebayo Katiiti, a transgender swimmer who competed at International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships in August, has received refugee status. He spoke to Postmedia about the experience in an Edmonton coffee shop on Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016. Kucerak, Ian / Postmedia
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Adebayo Katiiti believes returning home to Uganda is tantamount to a death sentence.
The 22-year-old Ugandan, who identifies as a transgender man, has qualified for refugee status in Edmonton. He arrived in August to compete at the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships before returning home. But in the midst of the competition, Katiiti started to receive threatening text messages from his own family.
“My family called me evil,” he said. In Uganda, same-sex relationships are illegal and can lead to lengthy prison sentences. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community as well as their allies face discrimination and assault.
Days before his trip to Canada, Katiiti was arrested when police stormed the Mr. and Miss Pride Pageant during a private celebration in Kampala. His family saw a video of the event that circulated in the media and effectively outed him.
“I know what it means to be gay back home,” he said. “I was undressed. I was humiliated … pulling out your hair, beating you up, treating you like a non-citizen in your own country … forcefully taking pictures of you. All those things I went through with the police.”
Katiiti said his decision to seek asylum in Canada was unpopular with his teammates because they were concerned it could hinder their ability to re-apply for visitor visas.
“It was a really hard decision,” he said. “I don’t regret it.”
Coach Nate Freeman, who formed the team, said visas were valid until January. He’s hopeful the situation won’t affect future athletes.
“This was an extraordinary circumstance,” he said. “Everyone wants what is best for Adebayo … even if status is granted, the road can be really hard.”
Adebayo Katiiti from Uganda competes at the 2016 International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships at the Kinsmen Sports Centre in Edmonton in August 2016. Larry Wong / Postmedia
Katiiti said he has found support through the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, which guided him through the refugee claimant process. He was granted the status Nov. 16 and said he plans to apply for permanent residency, and eventually citizenship.
“I’ve seen the beauty of Canada through the queer people I’ve met and the St. Paul’s United Church community,” he said.
He added the most difficult part of becoming a refugee has been leaving behind the LGBT community in Uganda. He had been passionate about helping his peers access medical services despite rampant discrimination in the Ugandan medical system.
Now Katiiti is focusing on building a new life — one that has changed drastically in a short time. He is dating a Canadian woman, living with a family and is planning to pursue a career in sports, as a physical trainer or a lifeguard.
“I played soccer at the national level in Uganda,” he said. “I dream to be on the national (soccer) team of Canada, but I don’t know how to get there.”
For now, he is committed to swimming, soccer and floor hockey.
“But I don’t know skating,” he said with a laugh.
Katiiti acknowledged there are challenges that come with being a refugee — he has faced instances of racial discrimination, such as being shouted at while waiting for a train.
“A lot of things I can handle,” he said. “I can’t compare those things to what I’ve been through.”
He believes he is lucky, knowing how many people are in hiding in Uganda, fearing for their lives because of their gender or sexual orientation.
“Many of them are chased away from their families and have nowhere to go … I believe I have work to do for them. I hope I can change their lives one day.”
[email redacted]
Edmonton student helps show the world Canada's darker side Edmonton-based company makes breakthrough in pipeline failure prediction technology
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Adebayo Katiiti from Uganda competes at the 2016 International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships at the Kinsmen Sports Centre in Edmonton in August 2016. Larry Wong / Postmedia
My name is Adebayo katiiti a transgender man from uganda who came to Edmonton in August 2016 with team uganda for International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics (IGLA) ,l won 9 gold medals and 1 silver during the competition and i coundnot go back home with my team because my family disowned me and threatened to kill me if i go back, iam currently a protected person in canada.
Iam persuing my goal of competing in the 2017 world out games in miami, i train by myself at edmonton city recreational centers .
since the age of 4 ,i have been playing sports and dreamed on the day i will participate in sports with out being being discrimated because of my gender identity and here is my chance. in 2009 i joined the uganda women national soccer team were i faced alot of discrimation by coaches and players, ln 2012 i was able to learn swimming and competed at the university and national team level , my love and passionance for sports helped me earn my self scholarship in schools and at the university.
Iam asking for your help to raise the funds, which will cover my travel document and certificate,food,rent and flight while in miami.
Iam very happy to be here in canada and i wouldn't have been happy if it wasnt not you having the tools to help me achieve my goal and dream is the intergal to my chance of success.
your support and help to my travel is very important and l appreciate it .
Thank you so much in advance your good will and good intentions are much appreaciated. l wouidnt have made it this far with out your support as afriend , family and everyone.
If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me;[email redacted],,
Attached my interview with media News
Editorials Malcolm Mayes cartoons for March 2017
Local News A cross to bear: Edmonton Catholic school trustees are plagued ...
Insight Shift work, low pay, high pressure: Kitchen culture to blame ...
1 / 3
Ugandan transgender man secures refugee status in Edmonton
Clare Clancy
More from Clare Clancy
Published on: December 11, 2016 | Last Updated: December 11, 2016 5:16 PM MST
Adebayo Katiiti, a transgender swimmer who competed at International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships in August, has received refugee status. He spoke to Postmedia about the experience in an Edmonton coffee shop on Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016. Kucerak, Ian / Postmedia
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Adebayo Katiiti believes returning home to Uganda is tantamount to a death sentence.
The 22-year-old Ugandan, who identifies as a transgender man, has qualified for refugee status in Edmonton. He arrived in August to compete at the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships before returning home. But in the midst of the competition, Katiiti started to receive threatening text messages from his own family.
“My family called me evil,” he said. In Uganda, same-sex relationships are illegal and can lead to lengthy prison sentences. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community as well as their allies face discrimination and assault.
Days before his trip to Canada, Katiiti was arrested when police stormed the Mr. and Miss Pride Pageant during a private celebration in Kampala. His family saw a video of the event that circulated in the media and effectively outed him.
“I know what it means to be gay back home,” he said. “I was undressed. I was humiliated … pulling out your hair, beating you up, treating you like a non-citizen in your own country … forcefully taking pictures of you. All those things I went through with the police.”
Katiiti said his decision to seek asylum in Canada was unpopular with his teammates because they were concerned it could hinder their ability to re-apply for visitor visas.
“It was a really hard decision,” he said. “I don’t regret it.”
Coach Nate Freeman, who formed the team, said visas were valid until January. He’s hopeful the situation won’t affect future athletes.
“This was an extraordinary circumstance,” he said. “Everyone wants what is best for Adebayo … even if status is granted, the road can be really hard.”
Adebayo Katiiti from Uganda competes at the 2016 International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships at the Kinsmen Sports Centre in Edmonton in August 2016. Larry Wong / Postmedia
Katiiti said he has found support through the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, which guided him through the refugee claimant process. He was granted the status Nov. 16 and said he plans to apply for permanent residency, and eventually citizenship.
“I’ve seen the beauty of Canada through the queer people I’ve met and the St. Paul’s United Church community,” he said.
He added the most difficult part of becoming a refugee has been leaving behind the LGBT community in Uganda. He had been passionate about helping his peers access medical services despite rampant discrimination in the Ugandan medical system.
Now Katiiti is focusing on building a new life — one that has changed drastically in a short time. He is dating a Canadian woman, living with a family and is planning to pursue a career in sports, as a physical trainer or a lifeguard.
“I played soccer at the national level in Uganda,” he said. “I dream to be on the national (soccer) team of Canada, but I don’t know how to get there.”
For now, he is committed to swimming, soccer and floor hockey.
“But I don’t know skating,” he said with a laugh.
Katiiti acknowledged there are challenges that come with being a refugee — he has faced instances of racial discrimination, such as being shouted at while waiting for a train.
“A lot of things I can handle,” he said. “I can’t compare those things to what I’ve been through.”
He believes he is lucky, knowing how many people are in hiding in Uganda, fearing for their lives because of their gender or sexual orientation.
“Many of them are chased away from their families and have nowhere to go … I believe I have work to do for them. I hope I can change their lives one day.”
[email redacted]
Edmonton student helps show the world Canada's darker side Edmonton-based company makes breakthrough in pipeline failure prediction technology
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Adebayo Katiiti from Uganda competes at the 2016 International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships at the Kinsmen Sports Centre in Edmonton in August 2016. Larry Wong / Postmedia
Adebayo Quinitiiti
Edmonton, AB