Help Maria With Her Dialysis Bills
Donation protected
Buna ziua! Prietena noastra, Maria Moisei se afla astazi internata in spitalul St. Mary, Madison, WI. Are un singur rinichi din nastere si in urma cu o saptamana i-a cedat. In momentul de fata viata ei depinde de dializa, procedura ce se desfasoara de 3 ori pe saptamana care ajunge la costuri anuale de peste $20000. Momentan nu poate munci si nu poate strange banii necesari pentru medical bills. Va rog din toata inima sa o ajutati si sa donati putin din putinul vostru. Ne dorim din tot sufletul sa o readucem pe picioare atat psihic, cat si fizic. Va trebui sa intre pe lista de asteptare pentru un transplant. Va multumesc!
Hello! Our friend Maria Moisei is currently hospitalized at St. Mary Hospital in Madison, WI. She was born with only one functional kidney and last week she suffered from kidney failure. She is currently on dialysis, procedure that must be done 3 times per week, which reaches annual costs of $20000. She will soon be put on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. Please help by donating as little as you can for us to reach our goal. Thank you!
Hello! Our friend Maria Moisei is currently hospitalized at St. Mary Hospital in Madison, WI. She was born with only one functional kidney and last week she suffered from kidney failure. She is currently on dialysis, procedure that must be done 3 times per week, which reaches annual costs of $20000. She will soon be put on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. Please help by donating as little as you can for us to reach our goal. Thank you!
Organizer and beneficiary
Raluca Elena Adumitresei
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Dominic Andre Henry