Help Macci Heal from Organ Failure and Sepsis
Donation protected
On the 12th, Macci stopped eating. On the 13th, he started throwing up. By 10PM he was in the hospital, lethargic and throwing up, unable to lift his head. He had to be hospitalized and left with the vet. They werent optomistic.
About four hours after we left, I received a call from the vet saying he had a seizure and vomitted and they were very scared for him. His bloodwork had come in and, while most of the results werent very exciting, his blood sugar had crashed and his bidy had started shutting down. Additionally, his white blood cells were excessively high indicating he gad sepsis.
They rechecked his bloodwork and I found out he was also now in kidney failure. He wasnt doing well.
We went down to visit him late that night, the vet having told us none of the diagnostics came back with any results to answer what we should do next. We went down to visit him to see him, expecting to have to say good byw just in case.
When we first got there we wrre sure it was time. But within minutes of being with us, out of the stressful environment, he started getting up and moving around and was acting so much better... he wasnt ready to stop fighting yet. But hospitalization was $1500.00/day, with an estimated 5 minimum days.
So we made one of the hardest decisions of all. We left Macci to receive fluids and such until 6AM, when we went back to the vet and picked him up to bring him home.
Before my disability, I had been a vet tech in a cat hospital. My favorote cases were always the hospitalizations. We decided to bring Macci home, giving him subcutaneous fluids and his medicatjins and hospitalizing him at home as best we could. His recovery felt like too much to ask for, but if these were his last days, we wanted them to be good ones and to support him however long he decided to fight.
After a couple of days, we're optomistic of his recovery; he's bright, alert, purring and most importantly: eating food and drinking water on his own again. Two days ago, the vet told us they were constantly terrified he was going to die suddenly and now he's following me around the kitchen. I'm so happy
While we're excited by his progress, however, we know we may still lose him at any point and needs this care for a few days more at least. Further, he's going to need to see a vet in a few days for a recheck and potential refills.
That's why we decided to set up this GoFundMe; to help pay for upcoming veterinary fees, other things we may need to care for Macci and possibly even help pay back the generous people who lent us the money for his care. We have most of it covered and are hoping to get the rest as soon as possible.
Thanks for your time
Have a wonderful day
Hug your pets for me
Jiya Palmisano
Green Bay, WI