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Help Kathy uplift the community

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Hi World!

My name is Kathy Chu and I have a very real, very tangible vision. I want to help create a World of peace and joy and do it in the most sustainable way possible.

I am a yoga teacher and I have been teaching yoga for the Pasadena, CA community throughout this entire pandemic. I was called to do so by God. Yes, He pushed me to sell a million dollar company that I co-founded to become a Yoga Teacher and ,thus, a healer to my community.

Through this journey, it brought people closer together, we've found a spark of joy in this pandemic and we are getting healthy (physically, emotionally and mentally) and feeling inspired.

I want to take this 100 steps further by hosting a larger event at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, CA. It does cost quite a bit to host an event of this magnitude but all I need is to host the first one to get the ball rolling for a steady monthly event.

Your donation and ticket purchases will uplift the community. We plan for this to be profitable and excess profits will be donated back to supporting other non-profits in the community that are advocating for mental health and providing resources to underserved schools.

What we are highlighting in these events:
  • Feel good as you move and stretch your body, mind and spirit with an hour of yoga.
  • Relax as you sit in meditation and breath-work to improve your mental well-being.
  • Indulge in the vegan, vegetarian and organic foods from various vendors.
  • Learn and shop from retailers who have natural and eco-friendly products.
  • Be the change and feel excited as the community grows together.
  • Believe in hope.

Click here for our vision and help us bring it to life.

Love Always,


Kathy Chu
Pasadena, CA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt