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Help Karrie get the treatment she needs

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I'm raising money for one of my dearest friends, Karrie Pavish Anderson. She has a gorgeous soul and personality, which is echoed through the beautiful songs she writes and performs. 

I met Karrie at a music conference I went to in LA. It was the first time I'd ever been to America, and really travelled anywhere on my own. Because I was pretty broke at the time (muso life boom) I ended up sharing a 2 queen bed room with 3 other girls, and actually sharing a bed with this one girl I'd never met in my life. (If you think this story is going to get sexual I'm sorry but.. you're going to be disappointed). It was a potentially lethal cocktail but luckily we all got on insanely well, and this particular lady became one of my closest friends, despite us living practically on different sides of the world (Alaska meets Leeds).

Fast forward 6 or so years, many gigs together, many trips together, a whole lot of conversation and even more laughs.. my mate who works her ASS off to maintain a self employed singer-songwriter career in GALENA (google it. It's in the middle of nowhere. You need to get on a plane or a boat or both to get there) had a nasty accident last year and has suffered massively financially since, as she hasn't been able to do what she loves, and also what incidentally pays the bills.

"A friend of ours who also has a moderate TBI like me, flew to Minnesota to see a specialist for a week of intensive therapies, and when she returned, she was night and day better. She's still not right as rain, but her progress was *catapulted* forward. As I've been learning, some brain injuries take a lot of time to heal. We've investigated this option for me. The phone interview with the Minnesota clinic went well, and they believe I'm a good candidate for their week of intensives. 

The clinic is out of network with our insurance, which means, if they cover any of the therapies in Minnesota (they won't commit to anything right now), they will only cover 60%. The clinic requires that we pay $2500 up front when we call to set up the therapy week, and that seems like an insurmountable amount. So Dad and I are working to submit a mini-grant application for TBI patients that could help me pay for some of these costs.  We submit the grant today, and will hear next week if we get the grant's $2100 to help with that initial cost."

So I want to raise this money in case she doesn't get the grant. And even if she does, it will help with further costs and daily general life costs that we sort of forget about when we have a steady income, but they become super stressful and difficult when income stops coming in. 

So that's where you guys come in. Anything you can spare, please do. She's a true gem in a world of dickheads and certainly didn't deserve what happened to her. I want to help her get the treatment she needs so she can have a fast, full recovery and get back to creating her wonderful music that she shares with so many people.

You can learn more about Karrie here and of course sign up if you can.

Thank you in advance, Jen


  • F-M Cossey
    • £50 
    • 3 d
  • gareth ebbs
    • £50 
    • 4 d
  • CaroleAnne Venturelli
    • £50 
    • 5 yrs


Jen Armstrong

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