Help Holland Recover From Motorcycle Accident
On June 4th, 2021, Hunter and his 17 year old sister, Holland Rodriguez, were hit on his motorcycle by a car making an illegal turn in Utah. Hunter flew 15 feet before landing, acquiring some minor injuries and will thankfully be okay. Holland flew 25 feet from the motorcycle and is in critical condition with major brain swelling and skull fractures.
On June 5th, she had neurosurgery to remove her skull cap to allow more room for her brain swelling and to clean some brain tissue. She remains in a coma and, God willing, will have a very long journey of healing ahead.
Her family is from Texas and are not only having to consider medical costs short term and long term, but traveling costs to be with Holland as well as other expenses that come with being away from home. Additionally, as soon as she stabilizes, she will have to be transported to Houston to receive insurance coverage. Transporting costs alone for her will have to come out of pocket as she will require a $40,000 plane ride to make it.
If you would like to contribute to Holland's fund to help support her medical bills and her family's travels to be with her during this time, any contribution is appreciated.
More than donations, we ask for your prayers for Holland's fight for her life and strength for her family to accept His plan- no matter the outcome.
God bless.
June 4 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-4-2021
June 5 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-5-2021
June 6 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-6-2021
June 7 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-7-2021
June 8 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-8-2021
June 9 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-9-2021
June 10 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-10-2021
June 11 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-11-2021
June 12 https://www.hollandsmiracles.blog/post/june-12-2021