Help Helen to adopt a Service Dog
Donation protected
Hi there, my name is Helen, though everyone call’s me Elly. I am a person with autism. I am looking to raise funds to help me adopt a Service Dog, which would greatly support my disability.
Autism falls on a spectrum, and while a person may seem completely normal on the outside, it can often make life very difficult on the inside, which can have a profound impact and consequences for me outwardly. My disability
makes it hard to have happy, healthy long term
relationships at home, and make my personal
intimate life incredibly hard and it can be sadly
hard to make friends and maintain friendship's,
even though I am often very outgoing, friendly
and approachable. It can be exhausting for my
family or even for a partner to provide the constant support needed.
In fact I don't want my
loved one's and friends having to do the
protecting, the comforting and everything else
that goes along with being a carer. I want to be
cared about not being under careful watchful
care, it's hard enough for me living with autism
and experiencing it first hand let a lone other's
having to desperately understand it if at all, the
stress is truly exhausting on relationships
whether partner or friends.
A service dog provides a non judgmental
interaction and often very successfully assist's
with autism symptoms and burnout with greater
success. This not only keeps me safer from
myself in times of serious distress and burnout it
often means a better shorter duration and recovery.
Autism is often overwhelming, no matter how
intelligent, capable and qualified the person is.
would experience extreme stress once home
especially as it's one place I can let the
symptoms and difficulties of the condition flow.
This is hard for me and anyone I care for.
Although I am incredible at what I do and did even being
a mum. Autism doesn't care what your personal
preference is largely so doing things many of us
don't think twice about isn't as straight forward
for me as a person whom is autistic, everything
takes considerably longer, more often requiring
lot's more planning, organising and it is truly
exhausting for me.
I have some truly tough days where my condition can cause my muscles to become extremely tight, and painful and this can constrain my movement and holts my ability to withstand more demand. Although I smile and work hard and keep fit. I often am in pain and mentally exhausted.
Sometimes when I am extremely stressed and out and about I may not be able to communicate and I may get lost or further distressed, a service dog could help someone identify I have special need’s, help bring someone to me, even help me stay calm and avoid a complete shutdown.
I am also hearing impaired, which believe it, people can be incredibly unkind about it.
Having a service dog could not only help me in these situations but also help others to think and be more kindly.
I would really love to be able to adopt a Service Dog, as it would go a long way to helping provide the support that humans can't always give.
Having a support animal would also help in situations like catching public transport, where the dog would be a source of calm in the midst of the vibrations, lights and movement that all trigger my autism in different ways. Finally, it would allow me to be quietly independent, but also remain a way of others knowing that I need some help if and when the time comes.
I am hoping to raise the funds to not only adopt my furry friend but to provide for the dog’s ongoing training and assessments, health care and the nutrition costs of supporting this precious gift through its life.
Thank you for your compassion and understanding.
Helen Lupton
Denistone West, NSW