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Help Fund the Wacky Writers Forum!

Donación protegida
The Wacky Writers forum has been a place of sanctuary and community for many people. However, servers and space and all the other things we need to keep it running aren't free (or necessarily cheap!), so we're asking those who can to donate a little money so we can keep the forum alive and running!

We make no profit via the forum. We try to limit the number of advertisements so as not to inhibit the community experience, so our ad revenue doesn’t even hit double digits most months (our ad platform has a $100 payout minimum. For reference, the last time we met that threshold was in November of 2021). We do our best not to “beg” for donations because as users of other forums, we know how obnoxious that can be. Even the merch we sell on our website goes 100% back into the site to pay for operating costs.

However, if we do not manage to raise enough money to fund us through the summer, the forum will need to close.

This will be determined by the end of March. If you have enjoyed using Wacky Writers and have a few dollars to spare, please consider a donation.

The wonderful mod team is entirely volunteers, most of whom have been here from the very beginning. They have dedicated time and stress and love to this forum in a way that not a lot of people would be capable of, and I cannot thank them enough for their support and hard work to keep this place running. It would have been impossible to do this without them. By all rights, we should not have survived for 2.5 years.

Please know it has been an honor and a pleasure to provide this space for so many, and even if we have to bring this era to an end, none of it would have been possible without our user base. So from the bottom of my heart, sincerely, truly, thank you for going on this journey with us. Wherever we end up, I hope to see you all on the other side.

All my love,

Donaciones (5)

  • Enna Foxwood
    • $40
    • 7 mos
  • Enna Foxwood
    • $30
    • 11 mos
  • Enna Foxwood
    • $40
    • 1 yr
  • Alicia Meyers
    • $5
    • 2 yrs
  • Enna Foxwood
    • $25
    • 2 yrs


Caitlin Jeffery
Boerne, TX

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

  • Fácil

    Dona de forma rápida y sencilla

  • Eficaz

    Envía ayuda a la gente y las causas que te importan

  • Confiable

    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe