Donation protected
Hi Four Twenty Jim here,
I started out March 1st of 2014 Criss crossing America fighting for everyone's Federal rights to cannabis to have all cannabis prisoners released and everyone's cannabis records destroyed
In 2015 I was asked to be the voice of the vets I am not a vet but I am proudly their voice,
I have been on the road 9 and 1/2 years Criss crossing 36 States now
In 2015 I held the first cannabis event ever done at Mount Rushmore
The next year I did a March on Washington DC where I had Pershing Park,
I started this journey with $5,000 and didn't know whether I would be out here one week one state or anything
Now here I'm in the mission in the middle of July and hoping to go to Arizona and find a place to live near my family
And I hope to try and write a book,
If you'd like to help me that would be just great I'm trying to recoup enough money to maybe buy a vehicle get it registered and insured and get me a little place or start a little business or something thank you so much!
Peace love and cannabis for all
One team one dream
If we try we can all get along?
Four Twenty Jim
Knoxville, TN