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Help for Immigrant Family Victims of Hate Crime

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On Saturday, February 15th, Ms. Vasquez and her 15 year-old-daughter were returning home after dinner when they were  attacked by two white assailants in East Boston because they were speaking Spanish. As the attackers shouted, "this is America, speak English," and "go back to your sh*t country," they punched, kicked, and bit the mother and daughter while bystanders tried to intervene to stop the attack.

Ms. Vasquez and her daughter need help to cover medical expenses and related costs in connection with the hate crime. After the attack, they needed medical treatment for their injuries, and the daughter is still using a neck brace and requires ongoing care. They are having nightmares. They are afraid to leave their home. They are afraid to speak Spanish in public. Despite their fears, the Vasquez family bravely came forward not only to rebuke this act of hatred against them, but also to shed light on the recent wave of hate and racism against immigrants. They now need your support. Please contribute anything you can to support this courageous family.

This incident has received significant media attention, including in Newsweek, the Boston Globe and WBUR .

Surveillance footage of the incident is available below.

If you have been a victim of a hate crime in Massachusetts based on your identity, contact Lawyers for Civil Rights at [Telefonnummer bearbeitet] or [E-Mail ausgeblendet]


Jake Lebovic
Boston, MA

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