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Help feed flood victims in Timor-Leste

Spende geschützt
A youth solidarity group is working closely with different organizations and businesses to support flood victims across Timor-Leste based on catastrophic rain events which occurred on Easter Sunday. They need your help to raise money to buy food and other supplies for the most vulnerable.

The funds raised through this GoFundMe will be managed by two Timorese women, Berta Antonieta Tilman Pereira and Sonia Simoes. They  plan to use their existing networks, including Grupu Feminista and a group of 40 youth who are ready to buy and distribute food through groups like Dilicious Timor's solidarity kitchen. They plan to coordinate with other efforts including with appropriate government officials in Civil Protection. I am confident they have the network to distribute supplies based on work they've already been doing during the recent COVID-19 lock-down in Dili (see photo below) and combined decades of experience working in NGOs in Dili.

Any funds raised above the intended mark will be distributed to other Timorese NGOs working on COVID-19 response, supporting the most vulnerable. If funds exceed their ability to manage them, the GoFundMe will be closed and no further donations accepted.

We appreciate your solidarity and support. A luta continua.

Details on funds withdrawal plan and how funding will be spent:
- The funds will be transferred to the solidarity group leaders Berta and Sonia through bank transfer. Sonia and Berta will work closely with other volunteers to buy needed food and supplies using the funds available. 
- The funds will be spent across three restaurants and organizations coordinating feeding efforts including Uma Lafatik, Dilicious Timor and the Civil Protection agency who have all sent specific supply list requests. Once their supply requests have been met, other organizations with supply requests will be considered by the organizers for support. Supplies requested so far focus on food and cooking supplies such as gas.


  • Tom Quinn
    • $75
    • 4 yrs
  • Barbara Hall
    • $90
    • 4 yrs
  • Ilona Hamilton
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Catrin Morgan
    • $30
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (3)

Kara Chesal
Deerfield Beach, FL
Berta Antonieta Tilman Pereira
Team member
Justine Bailliart
Team member

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