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Help Emmy Fight False Charges in Court

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UPDATE: My fugitive warrant was recalled and quashed, so it no longer exists. But I still owe the lawyer another $1,500 to go to court to face my ex-husband.

Hello friends! My name is Emmy Frost and I desperately need your help. I'm raising money, so I can fight against false EX-HUSBAND has filed against me in criminal court, out of state.

For those of you who are not familiar with my story, please read my story below:

I was married to a very abusive police officer for 13 miserable years.

He used to be a Massachusetts police officer - but he was asked to resign in 2005, due to domestic violence. I had filed two 209A restraining orders against him back then, in 2003 and 2004.

I have four children, two of whom are older children that are not his, biologically.

At the time, my kids were 23 months old, 4 years old, 9 years old and my oldest son was almost 14.

Immediately after I obtained my first emergency restraining order, my then husband called Child Protective Services against me and claimed that I was a child abuser.

He also claimed that I was neglectful and that I did NOT feed my children. (Yet he lived with me for 6 years prior - so if it was true, why didn't he do anything?)

Another allegation at the time, was that he said I had "postpartum psychosis" like Andrea Yates in Texas.

He told CPS that I was "suicidal and crazy" and that he was worried that I was going to kill all my children.

The police showed up at my house in the middle of the night with Child Protective Services.

They told me that they were removing all four of my children from my care and putting them in foster homes.

I couldn't believe it. I had done nothing wrong but file for an emergency protective order.

In fact, I had to travel to Worcester, Massachusetts, to get help from another Police Department - because obviously his own Police Department was NOT going to help me.

I filed for a divorce. I obtained a divorce attorney and I paid him over $10,000, between various credit cards and my savings.

Unfortunately, I was unable to go through with the divorce because of all the stress that I had to go through with Child Protective Services, to get my kids back.

Meanwhile, my oldest son's father was dying of cancer at the same time. Damon was only 34 years old and he had Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He passed away on February 11th of 2004.

My children were removed from my care in October of 2003. I ultimately got all of them back between April and July of 2004.

I had five different caseworkers through CPS in 7 months.

My last worker Sandy, actually apologized to me because she said that they "should have known" that this was filed against me in retaliation for the restraining order.

I was constantly threatened by the police, meaning my then-husband's cop buddies on his own department.

They thought it would be funny to prank call my house, all hours of the night.

One time, they came to my house banging on my door at 2:00 in the morning and woke me up.

I was alone and my children were gone and all I had was my dog. I was absolutely terrified. I didn't know what they wanted and I refused to open the door.

There were several officers outside with their cruisers and they were laughing and saying how they just got a call from my "psychiatrist" and that he said that I was suicidal.

I asked them the name of this supposed psychiatrist and they just started laughing and they left.

I was forced to drop the restraining order, by my husband's lawyer and the police.

They laid a guilt trip on me and stated that my then husband could lose his job and then, I would lose my health care benefits, etc.

They said that I could even permanently lose custody of my children.

So I dropped the restraining order. And my husband moved right back home.

Over the last 14 years, my ex-husband has gotten me arrested over 10 times.

I graduated from Suffolk University in Boston in 1997 with my Bachelor of Science degree and I attended Anna Maria College in Paxton Massachusetts for my graduate degree, but I never finished my graduate degree.

I never finished it, because he made it impossible for me to study.

In addition, I got into law school at the New England School of Law but he made my life so miserable that I couldn't attend law school.

During our marriage, my then husband physically abused me by choking me, kicking me, punching me in the stomach, twisting my hand and wrist backwards, etc.

He has slammed me up against the wall and bashed my head against doors and shelves.

One time, he tied me up and beat me and whipped me with a belt and then, he sexually assaulted me.

He threatened me and he said that he could get away with killing me.

One night, I woke up with him straddling me on the bed, with a gun barrel pressed against my head.

He was muttering something and I had no idea what he was saying... but he was acting crazy. And then he got off me and went back to sleep.

My ex-husband has a history of mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder from Desert Storm. He was a corporal in the Marine Corps and a mortarman.

I filed for another restraining order in February 2008. I made a safety plan with my four children and a legal advocate with Access York Domestic Violence Shelter in York, Pennsylvania.

I was there for a couple of weeks but I was ultimately forced to leave because my ex-husband kept calling the shelter and harassing the counselors.

He also had police officers call the shelter looking for me. They were told that they are not allowed to ask that question because it's a safe house.

So I had nowhere to go and I was forced to go home - because I had only lived in Pennsylvania for a short time and I didn't know anybody.

I also don't have any family.

So, I went home with my four children and that's when he began slashing my tires. My tires were slashed three times.

Every time I called the police, they wouldn't do anything.

He started spoofing my phone and calling me and texting me from all different phone numbers.

My EX husband works for the NSA National Security Agency in Fort Meade, Maryland as a federal law enforcement officer.

He had me arrested in three different states in 2008: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

He even sent me up and wrote an email to family member of mine that I do not get along with. He told them to get me arrested in their state so that he could get the "upper hand" in a child custody battle.

I won custody of my children in 2008 and in 2010. (In the state of Pennsylvania it is illegal to separate half siblings and I had two other children that were not biologically his.)

My ex-husband kept taking me to court for custody and it cost me a lot of money.

I had to cash out all of my 401ks and savings accounts. I even had to take out money from my children's Ufund 529 college fund from Fidelity, that I had saved for years.

I had to use that money for a retainer for a divorce and custody battle.

Because my ex-husband was angry that he kept losing in custody court, he began having me arrested for ridiculous things, like criminal harassment.

As I said he has had me arrested over 10 times in the last 14 years.

In 2014, I received $16,000 from his police pension, as part of my divorce settlement.

The very next day I had two cops show up at my door and claim that they had a warrant for my arrest and that it was a fugitive warrant from Maryland and it had my ex-husband's name on it.

(The local police were very familiar with me and my ex husband.)

I have had to spend time in jail in three different states. Most all of the charges were dismissed.

I still had to pay for lawyers, bail, fines, and other fees including travel expenses and food, etc., to travel to different states to defend myself against his lies.

His last stunt was in 2019. He got my boyfriend at the time to go against me by telling him that I went to the police and told them that he sexually molested my daughter, which was a total lie.

In the past he has also gotten one of my friend's fired from their teaching job - because my friend was trying to help me get away from him. (This is a friend I went to high school with.)

In the past, he has also contacted my therapist, my friends, my mother (whom I don't have a relationship with), as well as anyone else who was close to me.

I lost a lot of friends because of him.

I ultimately gave up and gave him custody in February 2015 of my youngest kids, because they were both teenagers.

I agreed to have them every other weekend and most of the summer but of course that didn't happen.

In January of 2019, I caught my daughter smoking marijuana in my house. She was 17 at the time and it was the second time I told her not to do this - so we got into an argument about it because I told her that her father would blame me and tell the court that I was allowing her to smoke weed.

She got mad at me and called her father and had him pick her up at my house. Then I never saw her again until March of 2019.

I went to pick her up in January for my scheduled visitation and nobody came to the door. I texted and called my daughter but she didn't respond.

I went to Wendy's and got us both burgers fries and a drink and I went back to her father's house and tried calling her and knocking on the door and nobody came to the door and nobody answered the phone.

I didn't know why. I drove all the way to Maryland to pick up my daughter and I was totally confused.

Then 2 months later, I received a knock at the door by local sheriff's. They served me with a temporary restraining order, which had been filed by my ex-husband on behalf of our almost 18 year old daughter.

I showed up for court 10 days later in Maryland. I had never been to this court before. He has had me charged in three different counties in Maryland, as well as multiple counties in Pennsylvania.

We went before a judge and I acted as my own attorney. My ex-husband brought my daughter and she refused to look at me.

He told the judge that I was a neglectful and abusive mother who doesn't feed her child.

I told the judge that my daughter is almost 18 and she's perfectly capable of making her own food.

I also told the judge that I bought her food for breakfast and she refused to eat it because she never woke up till 12:00 noon every weekend.

After she woke up and got ready for the day I would take her to the movies or the mall or bowling and we always went out to eat for lunch.

For dinner, I always prepared a homemade meal or we ordered pizza or subs.

The judge asked my daughter my daughter what she thought of me, and she shrugged her shoulders. The judge ordered her to answer.

She stated that " Dad says my Mom is crazy."

I immediately objected to her comment. And the judge asked her what she thought and I objected again and then he said she didn't have to answer.

The judge confronted my ex-husband and told him that he knew that he had a history of having me arrested and taking me to court multiple times and not he needed to stop doing this to me.

My ex-husband tried to tell the judge that I had already violated the restraining order a few minutes before by sitting too close to him in the courtroom.

The judge was irritated and he said "Well, it's a court room...Where was she supposed to sit?"

So the judge dismissed the temporary restraining order.

My ex-husband left with my daughter and it looked like smoke was steaming out of his ears...He was livid.

Unbeknownst to me, my ex-husband immediately walked downstairs in the courthouse to the commissioner's office and filed charges against me for violating the restraining order that was just dismissed.

I have absolutely no idea how my ex-husband was able to have these charges filed when he had already brought it before the judge few minutes earlier about me sitting too close to him and the judge thought it was ridiculous and he dismissed it.

So anyway, this is what the case is about.

My ex-husband had the charges sent to an address that I no longer lived at... Which he knew.

Because the sheriffs could not serve me with these criminal charges, it became a bench warrant. Then, it ultimately became a fugitive warrant.

Recently I was pulled over and I was told by the police officer that there was a fugitive warrant against me. He asked me if I knew about it and I said that I just recently discovered it when I had to do a background check for my job.

I work as a pharmacy technician and I was just licensed by the state and passed my background check last month.

So he arrested me and impounded my car, which cost me $225 to get out.

I spent 14 hours in jail in a freezing cold jail cell with a broken toilet.

I was taken in shackles to the courthouse the following morning and I had to wait until 1:30pm to see the judge.

I got a public defender and he said that the district attorney called the other district attorney in my ex-husband State and they didn't want to extradite me aka come pick me up.

So the judge asked me if I knew about the fugitive warrant and I told him that I recently discovered that I had an open case in Maryland when I was doing a background check for my job and I just got my state license that previous day, before my arrest.

So the judge stated that I have to come back to his court in 60 days at 9:00 a.m. and tell him what happened in Maryland and he told me to turn myself into the authorities there.

So, my public defender told me that I should do this as soon as possible.

I was trying to do it on my own as my own attorney but it seems more complicated than I thought.

I thought that it could be case of "Double Jeopardy," which is part of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution - which says that I can't be tried for the same crime twice.

I thought that because my ex husband had already brought this exact complaint before the judge at the temporary restraining order hearing and it was dismissed - how can I be charged with it again?

In addition there is something in legal terms called "Nolle Prosequi." It's a little hard to explain but the case should be dismissed in the interest of Justice because it's absolutely ridiculous and a waste of time and money.

So... I called about 25 different lawyers and every single one of them either said I had to pay them a $5,000 retainer or they just never called me back.

I don't have much time left. I have to get to Maryland and go before a judge there and try to get this dismissed but I can't do it on my own.

So I called a few lawyers this morning before work and I happened to find a good one, near Baltimore.

He is young but he is a senior attorney and he is very experienced in this sort of matter.

I spoke to him briefly this morning and he sent me his cell phone number and a copy of his business card. He also emailed me.

He said that he could file a motion to quash the warrant and try to get it dismissed but it's going to cost me $2,500.

He said that I could pay half up front or a third and then do a payment plan.

I told him that I would speak to my domestic partner this evening and I would get back to him.

I spoke to my domestic partner this evening. Obviously he doesn't have that kind of money laying around.

I told him that I wanted to do a GoFundMe and he said that it was up to me.

Therefore, I desperately could use your help. Over the past several years, I have donated many times to other people's Gofundme on Facebook.

On top of that, I am going through a lot of health problems right now. I was just in the emergency room last night again.

I had colorectal surgery in December and I ended up having many complications. My blood pressure went up to 219/134.

I have suffered from high blood pressure for 17 or 18 years and my cardiologist just added another blood pressure med, other blood pressure med I'm already taking.

I spoke to my therapist and she prescribed me an anxiety medication because I'm going through so much stress right now...which is causing my blood pressure to skyrocket at heart attack levels.

I also suffer from Lupus (SLE) and Sjogren's Syndrome, which are both autoimmune diseases. I recently discovered that I might have another sickness that's caused by my Lupus... And I might need surgery for that.

I hate asking people for money but this is an emergency and I'm really short on time.

I could really use your help, because this lawyer feels that this matter could be quashed and dismissed.

But he said I still have to go to Maryland but I'm not exactly sure why.

So I would have to drive all the way there and get a hotel room for the night before etc.

Who knows if it's going to take one day or two days or a week. Hopefully it could be resolved in a day and then I won't have to be looking over my shoulder.

I wish I could just sue my ex-husband for doing all of this to me... But that's something that I can't even think about right now.

I have to get this criminal matter taken care of as soon as possible.

So if you have a few dollars, please donate so that I can pay my lawyer and finally live in peace.

My domestic partner and I are talking about getting married. We have known each other for over 35 years and I have a wonderful relationship now with a kind, loving and gentle man, who is the love of my life. (We went to high school together.)

So if you could please donate, I would sincerely appreciate it. Thank you in advance, from the bottom of my heart.

I truly hope that this is the last time my ex-husband pulls this kind of stunt.

The reason why he's been doing this to me for years is because due to his abuse, judge in York Pennsylvania denied his motion for a petition of return of weapons after his restraining order was expired - meaning that the sheriff's office confiscated his $65,000 gun collection which included Class 3 weapons such as AR-15, Mac-10 Machine gun, four suppressors aka silencers, along with multiple semi-automatic handguns including an HK USP, Walther PPS, Glock 17, a 1911, a Smith & Wesson, and multiple other expensive handguns including a Desert Eagle and a Nighthawk Talon.

Many of his guns had threaded barrels for suppressors.

The judge said that she didn't understand why he needed all of these weapons and she said "Crazy weapons for crazy people, I guess." She denied his petition for return of weapons and he never got his guns back.

They also confiscated his military and police supply business because they were all weapons too.

So that is why he's been coming after me for years. I had to have a TracFone for 10 years, because I didn't want him spoofing my phone. I couldn't even own a computer.

He has made my life an absolute hell and now that I'm happy and in love and getting married in the near future, wants to try and destroy my life again.

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement over the years.


Emiko Frost
North Eastham, MA

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