Help Eli and Liina recover from fire
Our barn in Italy was burned. The roof, the floor between stories and all the materials and tools we had stored in it were destroyed. We were planning on starting construction to convert it to a house this spring. We are still hoping to do that, but first we need to replace the destroyed roof with a temporary one and replace the materials and tools we had stored in it. The emotional and mental strain of this loss is really the highest cost, but we are hoping that at least we can raise a bit of funds to cover the material loss. We are sure we will bounce back from this event stronger and wiser and are grateful for any assistance, no matter how small. We realize this is a hard time for many right now, so we are also grateful for a kind thought or word of encouragement if that's all you can manage!
This land and barn is intended to eventually be our year-round homestead, the majority of it being based on sustainable practices such as permaculture, solar power, and cutting edge water conservation/recycling/harvesting. We hope to even be sort of "teaching" these systems as we ourselves learn and create them. And of course we have already started to interact and collaborate with the local community (Pescosolido, Forcella, Sora, Frosinone, Lazio...and the little growing international group around us like Italy Farm Stay and the "Yoga Village" project). This fire has thrown us into a little uncertainty about all these dreams, but we hope that, with your help, some clarity can be regained.
Liina will make a webpage with free yoga videos as a thank you gift after the the campaign is finished.