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Help Ease Grayson's Pain: Urgent Surgery Needed

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Please Help End Grayson’s Pain - Our Story

Let me tell you about Grayson and why he is the best kitten my daughter could ever have.

Grayson was a surprise gift to my daughter and a super extra special gift because he came from her dad.

Grayson became her emotional support kitten and sleeps on her bed with her every night. Grayson can sense when she is anxious, sad or stressed and cuddles with her to calm her spirit. My daughter’s favorite way to start her day with Grayson is meditating with him on her chest.

Grayson’s purr gently awakens her and makes her feel safe.

Grayson is amazing at the game fetch, catch, and tag. He can run up his cat tree faster than a cheetah it seems. All of my family loves Grayson and he quickly became a family member.

However, on May 22, 2024, within seconds all of this ended like a mist that quickly disappears. What I am about to share with you is one of the most horrific horror stories you will ever hear. Please be advised some images, videos or pics may be triggering.

On May 22, 2024 I heard someone outside crying. I looked out the window and it was my daughter balled up in a knot on the ground screaming, crying, shaking and trembling uncontrollably. I quickly ran outside to find out what was wrong and I see her kitten Grayson sitting there with globs of blood pooling from both eyes, flesh torn off the left side of his face exposing inside of mouth so you could see his gums and teeth. Grayson could not move and sat there in agonizing pain.

I put both my arms around my daughter as tight as I could trying to calm her. She was so traumatized beyond any words and with tears, screams, and cries pouring out her pain as she called 911 for help. 911 instructed her to take the kitten to the vet.

She managed to call one of her friends for help and they created a makeshift stretcher to place the kitten on to transport the kitten to the emergency room.

Once they arrived at the vet Grayson had to be sedated as he was in excruciating pain and suffering unbearable torment from his injuries.

Grayson had a busted jaw, injuries to eyes, bottom teeth pierced through his tongue, flesh torn away from his face, disfigured, needed jaw surgery immediately to stop the pain, had to be catharized, had to surgery on his esophagus for feeding tube insertion, had to received pain meds, water, and liquefied food thru feeding tube.

Post surgery Grayson has to get feeding tube replaced once a week as feeding tube is delicate and has the lifecycle of about a week before it begins to break. Also once a week Grayson’s incision area for the feeding tube has to be checked for infection, Grayson has to change from the clothe put on by the vet to a kitty collar to help prevent infection at the surgical area. Grayson has to receive pain meds every 8 hours around the clock until we get the funds for Grayson to receive the jaw surgery. The surgery is the only solution to free Grayson from the agonizing pain of a broken/fractured, busted jaw.

We discovered what happened to Grayson from a video. The video shows Grayson being brutalized and stoned with intent to kill, by a neighbor that live two doors away.

Now our kitten is on a feeding tube and we have to use feeding tube to give Grayson water. Grayson can no longer go to his water well and drink water himself whenever he feels like a sip. Now we have to liquify Grayson’s food and use feeding tube to fed Grayson. Grayson can no longer go to his food dish and eat his food like he use to. Now around the clock, every 8hrs, we have to give Grayson pain medication to contain the pain he is enduring from the broken/fractured jaw. The pain will persist until the surgery is done and the healing process starts.

Now my daughter has extreme anxiety and distress and keeps shaking and trembling uncontrollably. She is vomiting so much that nothing but bile is coming up. This kitten was her emotional support pet. Her dad gave her a kitten as a surprise gift and the kitten is her emotional support kitten. This horrible attack on our kitten is causing trauma on top of trauma to a most unbearable degree.

Now my daughter is not doing well and we do not know if the kitten will live, or if the kitten will survive jaw surgery, or if the vet will decide the kitten has to be put down because it has no flesh to its mouth. Please help us. If this kitten do not make it my daughter may not recover. She is overwhelmed with grief. This horrific change of events has debilitated her and caused a devastating setback to her both mentally and emotionally.

This is a most unbelievable, horrific, coldhearted, unprovoked attack. My children have to see me go back and forth dealing with layers of law enforcement and paperwork to protect us from named persons that have demonstrated how violent and brutal they are without cause and this is upsetting to our family as well.

Named persons never apologized but to add insult to injury named persons threaten me and are completely de-sensitized and de-humanized to their actions. Named person wife was fully aware of her husband/partner unprovoked attack on our kitten and instead of “reporting” him she “SUPPORTED” him and on 5/25/2024 wife of named person threaten me waving and shaking her finger at me while I was in my driveway. This is totally unbelievable. Totally shocking!!

Next, my daughter comes outside to go to store and named person has placed a huge rock at a low branch on tree outside our front door. I called police and they took picture of rock and gave me an incident number. A few hours later, I come outside to go to my vehicle and named person fires gunshots.

I filed for a protective peace order and have been to court every week for the last three (3) weeks only for named person not to show up. He continues to evade police so as not to be served with court summons.

UPDATE - On 6/14/24 named person showed up in courtroom and consented to peace order.

No excuse in the entire world for stoning a poor helpless kitten hiding under a vehicle. The kitten was no threat to named persons yet name persons pursued kitten leaving their own home and property and coming to our home and property to maliciously stone vulnerable and helpless kitten.

Grayson is in dire need of jaw surgery and we hope to raise $4,000. The funds raised will be used to get Grayson jaw surgery and he may have to receive two surgeries, pay for prescriptions, post op appointments, kitty collar and any other medical apparatus etc. and any other medical procedures that may be needed. We did not know that jaw surgery was so expensive and it was at that point when we learned the cost, that we realized we needed help from our community to help Grayson as quickly as possible.

We hope to get enough funds raised before or by July 31, 2024. Please help us raise funds to get Grayson’s surgery. The surgery will help end Grayson’s pain and misery. Please help us get justice for Grayson. Please pray with all your hearts that Grayson will be okay and live to see many more years. Please help us get justice so that named person in police report can never do this to another animal ever again!

On May 22, 2024 at approximately 10:02am we called 911. Police instructed to take kitten to vet.

That same morning, I called 911 and they said they would have someone come out. I waited for police while my daughter and her friend transported Grayson to vet emergency hospital. However, instead of anyone coming out they had another officer call me share that this is categorized as a civil matter.

I called 911 again around 4:30-4:45pm but I was in Ellicott City and police was on their way with great urgency but since it occurred in Baltimore they had to transferred me to Baltimore 911.

On the afternoon of May 22, 2024 I call police again when I get back home. They sent someone out and I showed the police blood spattered and mixed with kitten fur on the back board, blood on the rocks, blood on the curb, blood on the ground, the RING video of our kitten being stoned, the damage to our vehicle from the stones that were being thrown. I requested a police report but was told it was a civil matter and I would have to go that route. Police gave me an incident number shown below:

Incident Number :2024522-1508 (stoning of kitten)
Officer Mejia Badge# 6690

Later, we had police officers to come out and they initiated a police report to be written i.e. police report#20240522-1508 and obtained the assailant information to I could go file protective order and have charges filed against assailant.

However, the assailant continues to evade police to avoid being served with court summons, continues to pose a threat to all of our safety with no conscience, no remorse, and completely de-sensitized about this entire unprovoked, brutal attack and abuse against Grayson.

Incident Number :2024522-1508 (put big rock on tree at our front door)
Officer Rastas Badge# 5697

I have been to court
5/25/2024 - filed peace order
5/29/24 - "no show" in court
6/7/24 - "no show" in court
6/14/24 - named person finally shows up and "consents" to peace order


RE: Named person in police report – Date of Birth: 12/17/1986
and accomplice is his wife

Named person in police report, date of birth 12/17/1986, and wife lives together at 9523 Mary Geneva Lane Owings Mills Maryland 21117. Per land records these persons are listed as an associate of family member of this address.

Named person in police report and wife both resides at 9523 Mary Geneva Lane, Owings Mills, MD 21117. Per land records these persons are listed as an associate of family member at this address and according to land records, in 2020 they purchased a home at 9855 Bon Haven Lane, Owings Mills MD 21117.

On May 22, 2024, at approximately 6:28am EST, named person in police report watches his wife back out of their driveway located at 9523 Mary Geneva Lane, Owings Mills, MD 21117. Next, named person in police report walks down to our front door where our vehicle is parked and begin to hurl rocks and stone with an excessive force on the side and underneath our vehicle at approximately 6:31am EST. Video shows named person in police report leaning on back of our vehicle to position himself to throw rocks and hurl stones with continued and repeated force. You can hear LOUD POPPING noises and the screams and cries of the kitten he was intentionally brutalizing, tormenting, and trying to kill. Named person in police report pursued our kitten without cause and would stand there after hurling rocks and stones at kitten.

Our poor little helpless kitten was underneath our vehicle. The kitten is my daughter’s emotional support pet and is not an outdoor kitten and sleeps in her bed every night.

In addition to named person in police report hurling rocks and stoning our kitten named person in police report vandalized our personal property by damaging our car windshield and under carriage of vehicle with the rocks and stones named person in police report hurled underneath our vehicle in his vicious, malicious, brutal pursuit to kill our innocent kitten.

Named person in police report actions showed utter contempt, hate, loathing and complete disrespect and disregard for life of our kitten and no regard for the laws of the land in our country United States of America. Named person in police report is Nigerian. Name person in police report committed a felony when he brutalize a poor innocent kitten without cause.

Named person in police report actions displayed total disrespect and disregard for our personal property.

Named person in police report busted both eyes on our kitten and our kitten may be blind now we don’t know yet.

Named person in police report broke our poor little helpless kitten jaw and our kitten needs jaw surgery.

Named person in police report made the bottom teeth of our kitten pierce thru our kitten tongue.

Named person in police report tore the flesh off the face of our kitten and our kitten lower half of face is gone and you see directly to his teeth and gums and our kitten no longer has flesh there to cover his gums and teeth as named person in police report has taken this away and took off lower half of our kitten face while stoning our kitten.

Our poor little helpless kitten was screaming and crying while being stoned and brutalized by named person in police report.

You can hear the vicious force being used by and named person in police report...there is a loud popping noises every time named person in police report struck our kitten with rocks and stones with intentional intent to do harm and/or kill our kitten.

All the screams and cries of our kitten while being brutalized, the blood pooling out of our kitten eyes, all the blood splattered on the backboard, all the blood on the stones and rocks all the blood on the ground DID NOT EVEN PHASE named person in police report as he continued the attacked.

Named person in police report had no remorse for his conduct and in fact pulled his car right in spot where he committed the crime while bloody stones are still there, splattered blood still there and got his 4yr old daughter out of his vehicle and walked her over the crime scene with the bloody rocks, blood spattered across ground and blood splattered on back board across crime scene with his daughter like nothing ever happened and walks into his home like it’s nothing.

Named person in police blatantly demonstrates he does not possess a sacred view of life nor respect the sacristy of life. Named person in police report is shown in video intentionally without any provocation stoning an innocent helpless kitten with great and excessive force with an intent to brutalize and kill kitten. Named person in police report stands there after each act of cruelty and brutality waiting for kitten to emerge from underneath vehicle so he can finish kitten off. Named person in police report is shown in video vandalizing our personal property by hurling stones at, under, on side of vehicle, causing damage to windshield and under carriage of vehicle.

Named person in police has no remorse for his unspeakable, criminal actions toward our kitten. Never once did named person in police report reach out to offer an apology. To the contrary, named personin police report, date of birth 12/17/1986, and his wife was very arrogant and offered only threats and deathly stares to put us in immediate fear of bodily harm and fear for our safety. They both have shown how violent and vicious they are and what they will do to anybody or any animal without provocation.

Our poor kitty cries were heard while being stoned by named person in police report, with intentional intent to kill our kitten. The audio on the video has a loud popping noise every time named person in police report hurled and threw stones and rocks at our kitten.

Named person in police broke our cat jaw, busted his eyes, he may be blind now, torn flesh off his face so there is no flesh to cover his bottom half with gums and teeth being exposed.

Our kitten has receive some medical treatment but still needs jaw surgery.

It just hit me why I would always come outside in the morning and see so many rocks in front of our house. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME named person in police report has stoned a kitten. Named person in police report has been repeatedly stoning the many stray cats in the neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Named person in police report is a REPEAT offender and must be stopped.

I never knew why there were always so many stones in rocks on the ground in the morning and he was always chirping his car 6:30am

Please help us raise funds to get Grayson’s surgery. The surgery will help end Grayson’s pain and misery. Please help us get justice for Grayson. Please pray with all your hearts that Grayson will be okay and live to see many more years. Please help us get justice so named person in police report can never stone another animal ever again. Meanwhile, named person in police report moves about in our country as a FREE man without a worry in the world, evading police and laughing like this is a game; he is on the loose possibly stoning every stray cat he sees.


The Link
Over the past 40 years, researchers and professionals in a variety of human services and animal welfare disciplines have established significant correlations between animal abuse, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, elder abuse and other forms of violence. Mistreating animals is no longer seen as an isolated incident that can be ignored: it is often an indicator or predictor crime and a “red flag” warning sign that other family members in the household may not be safe.

Names person in police report has a 4 year old daughter and lives a few feet away from an elementary school with access to young children walking in the area every single day. There are also many pet owners in the neighborhood. Named person in police report is a danger to this neighborhood, to the children, to the animals/pets and the community at large. According to this research named person in police report may very well be a child abuser as well as an animal abuser.

Updates for this REAL LIFE Horror Story will be posted here.
Thank you for your help. Even if it is sharing the page link you have helped. May God continue to bless and protect everyone. We all need it.


  • Lisa Porter
    • $25
    • 3 mins
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 9 d
  • Andrew Myatt
    • $50
    • 9 d
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 9 d
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 15 d


Linda Smithery
Owings Mills, MD

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