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Help DYNAMO Workspace

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Kære venner, bekendte, fans og familier, DYNAMO Workspace har brug for jeres hjælp, så vi også er her på den anden side af krisen.


Intet mindre end en global sundhedskrise skulle agere kæp i hjulet for vores nye cirkus’ udvikling. DYNAMO er et projekt-hus, et produktionsrum og en institutions-bastard. Vi modtager ingen driftsstøtte og er afhængige af hele tiden at kunne arbejde med nye projekter - både store og små. Men lige nu er der ikke meget at forsamles om.


I 2017 åbnede vi DYNAMO Workspace, med ønsket om at give udviklingen af nycirkus i Danmark et ordentligt skub i den rigtige retning.

Vi åbnede et træningsrum for professionelle artister og amatører hvor forskelle i niveau og erfaring tjente som løftestang for både læring og refleksion over praksis. Vi åbnede et produktionshus, hvor artister fra Danmark og udlandet kunne komme og arbejde med deres kunst, sammen med os. Vi åbnede en scene, hvor kompagnier fra nær og fjern kunne optræde for et lokalt publikum, og vi skabte en international nycirkus-festival hvor alle os der synes at nycirkus er for fedt kan mødes, læne os tilbage og suge til os. Men DYNAMO skulle selvfølgelig også ”bare” være et sted hvor man kunne have det pisse sjovt! Så ud af den samme fanden-i-voldske tilgang som projektet DYNAMO blev skabt i udsprang disco/cirkus-festfyrværkeriet Arcade Delight, som trak endnu flere nye venner til vores lille cirkus-hus.

Vi gjorde det hele med umådeligt meget hjælp fra de nye venner i vores nabolag!

Den store stopknap

Frem til det kollektive lockdown i marts måned 2020 stod sæson 19/20 til at være den mest velbesøgte sæson i DYNAMOs tre leveår. - Både hvad angår publikummer og nye gode venner, men i høj grad også mængden og frekvensen af internationale gæster. Der var dengang i marts meget at glæde sig over, og der var plads til at drømme stort, for hvad skulle kunne stoppe det kræftværk der hurtigt var kommet op i omdrejninger…

Vi er her dog stadig! For med hovederne i blød for at udtænke nye projekter og formater der ikke lader sig stoppe af en katastrofal gang omgangssyge genfinder vi styrken forud for sæsonen 20/21. Vi står her endnu, men ikke uden bekymringer. Med projekter og produktioner udskudt og aflyst er vi presset på vores økonomi. Arbejdet med hjælpepakker, der gælder for en institution af netop vores type, lader vente på sig, men det gør vores udgifter ganske enkelt ikke. Vi startede DYNAMO i 2017, med en ”gør det selv”-tilgang. - som over tiden, og i takt med at nye venner kom til, blev til en ”gør det sammen”-tilgang. Det vil vi gerne blive ved med!


Her ville vi jo normalt invitere dig til at købe en billet til en af vores forestillinger, men realiteterne gør, at vi i stedet må bede dig om at støtte DYNAMO økonomisk med et bidrag, sådan at vi, hvad end du er artist, god ven, eller bare nysgerrig, også i fremtiden kan byde dig indenfor til nycirkus-magi.

Alle midler og donationer som indsamles vil blive brugt på at dække foreningens faste udgifter, og da vores ønske fortsat er at kunne lave kultur i den gamle FAF-bygning på Odense havn, håber vi derfor at i vil overveje at støtte os i denne svære tid.

Indtil vi igen kan skabe (os) på DYNAMO!

Vi ses!

Dear friends, acquaintances, fans, and families, and even blood relatives, we at DYNAMO Workspace need your help to make it out on the other side!

Nothing short of a global health crisis was going to put a pin in the wheel of our circus machine. DYNAMO functions as a non-profit theatre association. We receive no operational financial support and we are dependent on constantly working on new projects that our audience is happy to experience. But right now, there is not much to gather around, and therefore not much to create.


In 2017 we opened DYNAMO Workspace because we felt a need to give contemporary circus a push in the right direction here in Denmark.

We opened the doors to professionals and amateurs to train and practise; the difference in level and experience serves for both learning and reflection on their practice. We opened a production house, where artists from Denmark and from abroad can come and work on their art, together with us. We opened a theatre, where companies from near and far can perform for local audiences. We created an international contemporary circus festival, where all of us who think circus is cool can meet up and take it all in. But, of course, DYNAMO should also be “just” a place where everyone can have crazy fun! So, from the same devil-may-care approach that first inspired the creation of DYNAMO, Arcade Delight was born – a circus disco/fireworks party, which brought even more new friends to our little circus house.

We did it all with a great deal of help from a neighbourhood that welcomed us and with an army of new friends, who aligned their burning hearts with ours.

A lot has happened since we started!

Up until the collective lockdown in March 2020, our 19/20 season was set to be the most visited in DYNAMO's three years of activity. Both in terms of audience we expected through our doors, but to a large extent also in terms of volume and frequency of international visitors. There was a lot to enjoy; a lot we were looking forward to, back in March. There was room to dream big, because what could ever stop the powerhouse, in its leap forward?

But we’re still standing, as we recalibrate our strength and passion towards the 20/21 season, as well as towards exploring alternative formats to deliver culture to the hungry hearts of Odense. We’re still standing, but not without shaking. With projects and productions postponed or cancelled, our funding takes a hit. We started DYNAMO with a do-it-yourself approach, but we’ve come to learn that it’s much more sustainable to “do-it-together.” This is where you come in!

Support DYNAMO

At this point, we would normally link to our homepage, inviting you to buy a ticket and see a show, and we are terribly sad not to be able to do that. Instead, we invite you to support us with a donation, and come meet us on the other side: we’ll be here, standing, with open doors!

All donations raised here will be used to cover our operational costs, and, as our desire remains to be able to create culture in the old silo building in Odense Harbour, we hope that you will consider supporting us during this difficult time.

Until we can again create together at DYNAMO

See you!

Fundraising team: DYNAMO Workspace (2)

DYNAMO Workspace
Odense C
Gry Lambertsen
Team member

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