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Hello Everyone,
First and foremost, If you have opened this page, I THANK YOU. As you may already know, my Husband and I adopted two of the most amazing dogs (after a HUGE FOSTER FAIL) from an incredible non-profit organization called Domo's Friend's. Domo's was founded by Emily Doran, who initially traveled to South Korea from the States to teach English, and in her free time started a dog rescue on the side because of the dog meat trade and high kill shelters over in Korea. Basically, she's a saint. Unfortunately, starting a non-profit can be challenging in many aspects. As we know, starting a non-profit is a VERY selfless endeavor and taking on such a large task by yourself requires a huge heart. Emily has sacrificed countless hours as well as HER OWN money, to try and save as many dogs as she can before they are lost to the meat trade. Emily has helped rescue over a hundred dogs ON HER OWN in less than TWO YEARS. This has been a project that Emily is undoubtedly extremely passionate about, and now Emily has to figure out how to pay off vet bills that she has PERSONALLY self funded. Imagine facing all of these vet bills from lives you have saved trying to do good and now having to face all of the outstanding vet bills on your own, and potentially having to close the non-profit because of said bills.
My ultimate goal is to reach out to all of my friends and family to get these vet bills paid off for the organization so more dogs can be saved. Please help, share, and donate today to help Emily and the dogs at Domo's! 5 dollars can make one hell of a difference.
Here is Emily's story:
Hi my name is Emily Doran. I am originally from Maryland. I came to Korea in 2007 but left for a little, returning back in South Korea in 2010. After working at a well known English school and having a good paying job, I quit to take some time to figure out what I wanted to do. It was then that I found out about KARMA (Korea Animal Rescue and Management Association), Seoul's high kill shelter. I already had two dogs, Poppy and Domo but I was interested in fostering a dog to help it find a new home. I knew that because the dog was a bigger breed, it would be very difficult trying to place her in a home since Korea is not a big dog friendly country with a lot of them going to meat farms. I kept going back and forth on whether or not to rescue this dog and finally decided to do it. I asked a friend if I could borrow his car since the shelter was over an hours drive from the center of Seoul, with public transportation being over 2 and a half hours. I arrived at the shelter assuming it would be like any American shelter thinking I could go back to see the dogs and get a judge of their personality before just taking one. That isn't how it works. In a Korean shelter you tell them which dog you want to adopt, they go get it and then you have a dog. I had picked out five dogs to look at, including the larger puppy. Two had been already adopted so they ended up not needing to be rescued. There were also two puppies at the shelter that were running out of time. It was at that moment that I then found out that the big puppy that I initially wanted to save, had been killed that morning. I didn't react fast enough and that puppy lost her life within a time span of HOURS. As a result, I obviously did not want to take any risk. I adopted both puppies on the spot. I told myself that I would do whatever it took to make it work. That was July 4, 2016. It quickly became a snowball effect. I adopted the two puppies quickly so then I got 2 more, then 3 more, then 4 more until today where I have adopted 130 dogs, 114 from Karma and over 75 percent of them last day dogs who no one wanted to adopt before they were victims to the Korean meat trade.
Below is the link to Domo & Friends, please like and share this incredible page as well.
Click here for the link
Pictured below is Emily, Fry and Daisy on the day Emily saved them along with their mother Leela.

First and foremost, If you have opened this page, I THANK YOU. As you may already know, my Husband and I adopted two of the most amazing dogs (after a HUGE FOSTER FAIL) from an incredible non-profit organization called Domo's Friend's. Domo's was founded by Emily Doran, who initially traveled to South Korea from the States to teach English, and in her free time started a dog rescue on the side because of the dog meat trade and high kill shelters over in Korea. Basically, she's a saint. Unfortunately, starting a non-profit can be challenging in many aspects. As we know, starting a non-profit is a VERY selfless endeavor and taking on such a large task by yourself requires a huge heart. Emily has sacrificed countless hours as well as HER OWN money, to try and save as many dogs as she can before they are lost to the meat trade. Emily has helped rescue over a hundred dogs ON HER OWN in less than TWO YEARS. This has been a project that Emily is undoubtedly extremely passionate about, and now Emily has to figure out how to pay off vet bills that she has PERSONALLY self funded. Imagine facing all of these vet bills from lives you have saved trying to do good and now having to face all of the outstanding vet bills on your own, and potentially having to close the non-profit because of said bills.
My ultimate goal is to reach out to all of my friends and family to get these vet bills paid off for the organization so more dogs can be saved. Please help, share, and donate today to help Emily and the dogs at Domo's! 5 dollars can make one hell of a difference.
Here is Emily's story:
Hi my name is Emily Doran. I am originally from Maryland. I came to Korea in 2007 but left for a little, returning back in South Korea in 2010. After working at a well known English school and having a good paying job, I quit to take some time to figure out what I wanted to do. It was then that I found out about KARMA (Korea Animal Rescue and Management Association), Seoul's high kill shelter. I already had two dogs, Poppy and Domo but I was interested in fostering a dog to help it find a new home. I knew that because the dog was a bigger breed, it would be very difficult trying to place her in a home since Korea is not a big dog friendly country with a lot of them going to meat farms. I kept going back and forth on whether or not to rescue this dog and finally decided to do it. I asked a friend if I could borrow his car since the shelter was over an hours drive from the center of Seoul, with public transportation being over 2 and a half hours. I arrived at the shelter assuming it would be like any American shelter thinking I could go back to see the dogs and get a judge of their personality before just taking one. That isn't how it works. In a Korean shelter you tell them which dog you want to adopt, they go get it and then you have a dog. I had picked out five dogs to look at, including the larger puppy. Two had been already adopted so they ended up not needing to be rescued. There were also two puppies at the shelter that were running out of time. It was at that moment that I then found out that the big puppy that I initially wanted to save, had been killed that morning. I didn't react fast enough and that puppy lost her life within a time span of HOURS. As a result, I obviously did not want to take any risk. I adopted both puppies on the spot. I told myself that I would do whatever it took to make it work. That was July 4, 2016. It quickly became a snowball effect. I adopted the two puppies quickly so then I got 2 more, then 3 more, then 4 more until today where I have adopted 130 dogs, 114 from Karma and over 75 percent of them last day dogs who no one wanted to adopt before they were victims to the Korean meat trade.
Below is the link to Domo & Friends, please like and share this incredible page as well.
Click here for the link
Pictured below is Emily, Fry and Daisy on the day Emily saved them along with their mother Leela.

Liz Zizzo
Elmhurst, IL