Help Djélyson, Nathalie & Lovena Continue Studying
After the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010, professor Francis Bidault and the MBA class of the ESMT Berlin decided to provide some relief by sending equipment to the affected schools. In 2014, they started to raise money to finance the studies of Djélyson, Nathalie, and Lovena. Seven years later, the Net Impact ESMT Club collaborates with Action Education Haiti in order to provide these pupils the opportunity to continue with their studies.
Djélyson just finished his secondary school with honors and is looking forward to study administration. He has been passionate about it since the age of 12. Nathalie is soon to be in 8th grade and is studying hard to go to medical school. In the future, she wants to learn how to cure diseases. On the other hand, Lovena is still in 4th grade but she already knows her passion. She wants to work in the Haute couture industry.
Despite multiple challenges, these pupils have managed to do great in their studies and have the eagerness to continue doing so. The Net Impact ESMT Club is a global community of students and professionals committed to bring positive long-lasting changes to society. In the past years, we organized in-person networking events to raise funds (e.g. by selling coffee from Haiti), however, due to the Haiti unstable situation and the COVID-19 pandemic it impossible to do so without additional help.
We need your help and support!
All proceeds go directly to Haiti through Action Education Haiti. We retain no earnings!
You could also visit our links: Net Impact ESMT Berlin and Action Education Haiti.