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Help Damjan Get Better

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Hi everybody! My name is Damjan and I am a four years old boy with spastic cerebral palsy. I was born as a big and healthy baby, but on the 22nd day of my life I have been sick and from there begins my fight. I had severe meningoencephalitis, doctors said that I would not survive, only one doctor fought and saved my life. After I got a battle for life, the doctors said that I would live as a plant, immovable, unconscious, that it was best for me to be placed in an institution. BUT, my parents never even thought of doing this, because I am their most favorite being in the world. I fight many battles, I do not walk, I do not speak, I do not see very well, but I hear very well and I feel all around me, I understand everything. I am very emotional, I like to play and care for my parents and everyone from my surroundings. Since conventional medicine and physical therapy do not help me progress, my parents take me to treatments that help me and do the home program that is adjusted to me (Feldenkrais method and Doman Program). All this requires a lot of financial resources, and we hope that with the help of good people we will be able to do as much as possible so that I can achieve the maximum of my potential and progress as much as possible. Thanks to all those who have helped me so far and who believe in me, as well as those who will do it in the future.


Pozdrav svima! Zovem se Damjan, imam četiri godine i spastičnu cerebralnu paralizu. Rođen sam kao velika i zdrava beba, ali 22. dana života sam se razbolio i odatle počinje moja borba. Imao sam teški meningoencefalitis, doktori su rekli da neću preživjeti, samo se jedan doktor borio i spasio mi život. Nakon što sam dobio borbu za život, doktori su rekli da ću živjeti kao biljka, nepokretan, nesvjestan, da je najbolje da me smjeste u instituciju. ALI, moji roditelji nikada nisu ni pomislili da to učine, jer sam ja njihovo najdraže biće na svijetu.

Bijem mnoge bitke, ne hodam, ne govorim, ne vidim dobro, ali dobro čujem i osećam sve oko sebe, sve razumijem. Veoma sam emotivan, volim se igrati i maziti sa roditeljima i svima iz moje okoline. Pošto mi konvencionalna medicina i fizikalna terapija ne pomažu da napredujem, roditelji me vode na tretmane koji mi pomažu i radim kućni program koji mi je prilagođen (Feldenkrais metoda i Doman program). Sve to iziskuje mnogo finansijskih sredstava i nadamo se da ćemo uz pomoć dobrih ljudi moći da uradimo što je više moguće kako bih maksimalno povećao svoj potencijal i napredak. Hvala svima koji su mi do sada pomogli i koji vjeruju u mene, kao i onima koji će to učiniti u budućnosti.

S ljubavlju,


  • Anonymous
    • €20
    • 5 yrs


Jelena Fuzinato
Berlin, Berlin

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