Help CYB Purchase an AED needed for Youth Angler
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Cincinnati Youth Bass is currently seeking funds to acquire an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This crucial piece of equipment is used for sudden cardiac arrest and is recommended for all sporting events organized by schools and other organizations. As a small fishing club, we must admit that we haven't given much thought to this matter. However, recent diagnoses of one of our youth anglers with Marfan Syndrome, and a variety of other heart-related issues, have made this purchase a top priority. We kindly request your support.
Marfan Syndrome is a genetic condition that affects the body's connective tissue, which is responsible for holding cells, organs, and tissue together. Unfortunately, it also impacts the heart, lungs, blood vessels, bones, joints, nervous system, and eyes. A team of doctors at Cincinnati Children's Hospital is currently overseeing the diagnosis and treatment, including cardiology, genetics, ophthalmology, respiratory, and pulmonary specialists.
The primary concern at present is the heart. Marfan Syndrome alone puts children at a higher risk of heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest, but other issues have also emerged. The angler has been diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, a condition where one of the heart's valves is "floppy" and fails to close properly, impeding proper blood flow to the left side of the heart. There is also a potential risk of a leaking mitral valve. While heart surgery has not been recommended at this time, it may become necessary in the future. Additionally, 75% of Marfan Syndrome patients develop aortic enlargement between the ages of 15-18, which could lead to a tear or rupture of the aorta. Regular tests are being conducted every three months to monitor this risk. Furthermore, Marfan Syndrome has caused a variety of breathing problems, necessitating the availability of an inhaler at all times.
Considering these issues and the potential for further risks and complications in the coming years, the cardiology unit strongly recommends that CYB purchases an AED unit as soon as possible - especially when you consider so many lakes are a significant distance away from emergency medical care. Unfortunately, this equipment is expensive, and despite our efforts as a 501c3 organization, we have already been denied two grant applications, likely due to their focus on schools and larger sports teams. Nevertheless, we are determined to obtain an AED before our planned trip to Lake Cumberland in October.
CYB is lucky enough to have several CPR-certified volunteers, including our advisors, with a few individuals also certified in AED usage. While there are various AED units available, our goal is to raise enough funds to purchase an AED unit along with all necessary accessories, which may include extra pads, carrying bag, backup batteriers, etc.
Any additional funds raised will be allocated to other first aid specific needs, such as organizing a CPR certification class for all boat captains and anglers, maintaining the AED machine, purchasing first aid kits, and addressing any other potential first aid needs to ensure the safety of all anglers and volunteers on the water.
Thank you sincerely for your consideration and support.
CYB Advisors
Please check out our website and FB page to learn more about CYB and our anglers:

Cincinnati Youth Bass
Hamilton, OH