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Help CREWS Run Smoothly

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Hi there, if you have been following us for a while you're well aware of our excitement about CREWS starting this week! Just in case you're not quite sure what CREWS is:

CREWS is a Newcastle, Australia, based educational program with which we aim to support women with a disability in recognising unsafe relationships and maintaining positive ones.
Why do we need CREWS?
The development of CREWS began when the SHIBUI Services team witnessed the severe impacts of unhealthy relationships on women with a disability.
What will the program look like?
CREWS will be a short program, which will bring women with similar experiences together to discuss with each other and learn about healthy home, intimate and professional relationships. We will do so through kinaesthetic exercises, group activities and conversation.

Shibui Services needs your help for CREWS to run smoothly. We are in desperate need for a tablet to keep all documentation and data secure, collect data from surveys, make referrals and utilise different apps during our sessions to allow for greater inclusivity. We greatly appreciate any donations!
Join the CREW!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Shibui Services
Bar Beach NSW
Emily Bielefeld

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