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Help Corey and Carli Taylor

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Corey and Carli decided to take a trip to Washington to spend the holidays close to family. Corey had recently been struggling with health problems we thought he was overcoming. During their stay, Corey became very ill and ended up in the emergency room on the 22nd of December. He was admitted where they learned an infection they thought was gone from his heart had returned, and his kidneys were beginning to fail. 
After several days in the hospital, medical personnel recommended open heart surgery to replace his pulmonary valve. This operation was Corey's fourth open heart surgery. 
Corey had surgery on Friday January 12, 2018. During the operation there were unforeseen complications leading Corey inadequate blood supply to his brain for about 15 mins. He remains in the hospital fighting for his life. Doctors are concerned about his lack of neurological response.
Due to the expensive nature  of medical surgery and being far from home, we are asking for help financially so Carli can keep her focus with her husband and not have to worry about how to pay for everything. With  Corey's recent medical demands, Carli has been unable to work. Every penny counts! We love you Carli and Corey!
* update: Corey's MRI results came back and we're devastated to say that he has extensive brain damage making him incapable of healing. Carli is now faced with the hardship of losing her husband and having to plan and pay for her sweetheart's funeral. Anyone donations are truly appreciated.


  • Anónimo
    • 10 $ 
    • 6 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Kami Bellon
Saratoga Springs, UT
Carli Taylor

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