Help Coach Joe to walk again
On November 3rd 2020 whilst on our honeymoon in Mexico Coach Joe was involved in an accident. He slipped at the hotel and sadly fractured 2 ribs, punctured his lung and shattered his L3 vertebrae which controls your lower limbs and your ability to walk, sit, stand, bend and twist.
He was in ICU for 4 days with a chest drain to fix his punctured lung and needed emergency spinal surgery to release the pressure on his spinal cord and to screw his spine back together.
We returned home to Canada on Sunday November 15th 2020 after 12 days in hospital and the help of a critical care escort and he was healing well however he is unable to do anything himself. He cannot get out of bed, go to the washroom, clean himself, sit or stand without help. He has a full back brace and lumbar support that he must wear to enable him to move. He can walk short distances with the help of the braces and a walker and also has a wheelchair to enable him to sit and move around the house.
The doctors have predicted a 100% recovery within 3 to 6 months with the correct care and medication but unfortunately without physiotherapy and specialist help Joes condition will never improve meaning he will not be able to rebuild the strength in his legs and back to enable him to stand or walk unaided again.
For any of you that don’t know Coach Joe runs a soccer program for children aged 18 months to 7th birthday and due to the current situation has been unable to run these programs for several months this year meaning he does not have the funds to pay for the treatment he so desperately needs. This is why we are asking for your help.
Your donations no matter how small will not only ensure that Coach Joe is able to receive the treatment he needs, it will give him back his independence, his future and will guarantee the future of his soccer program across York Region to help teach the children so many valuable life skills like confidence, listening, agility, coordination, colours, numeracy, social skills and balance.
As Joes wife on behalf of Coach Joe I’d like to thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness and pray we can get him the treatment he needs and a speedy recovery.