Help Chris G and family
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Hi my name is Kevin Arthur and I am starting a go fund me for my daughter, Tina Arthur and her boyfriend Chris Gag. Sometimes life hits you with unfortunate events when you least expect them and lately it seems they can’t catch a break. Tina is the queen of helping others in tough times so I’m hoping we can help raise some money to help her family with bills since she is spending her days going back and forth to intensive care praying Chris comes out of this health crisis he’s been in now for close to a week. Last week he got in an accident that totaled out their family vehicle. He was given medical attention and sent home to recover. Not even 24 hours after getting home from the accident they found him unresponsive on the bathroom floor in full cardiac arrest. Thank God she and his son (Cameron) were able to preform cpr while my grandson called 911. The medics arrived and had to work on Chris for quite some time before they left for the hospital. He was transferred to Ft Walton Medical hospital and has been in ICU ever since. It’s been a very stressful situation for everyone that holds Chris dear. He’s an amazing human that would give the shirt off his back to anyone in need. Things have been touch and go. Some days feel like victories while others have them on their knees begging God for Chris to pull through. This world would not be the same without him. They are waiting to figure out their vehicle situation and Tina is traveling back and forth to the ER daily. He is still relying on a tube to breath but in the last day they were elated to find out he could follow verbal commands when the sedations were turned down. They still have no real prognosis or idea on what the future will be for them and their 4 kids. (Their child being only 9 months old) Every little bit counts and will be greatly appreciated from our family.
Kevin Arthur
Destin, FL