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Help Charles reboot his life

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My friend Charles Geyer has endured a very rough patch in his life starting in late 2016 with health issues that cost him his job, his car, most of his possessions, and a place to live.

I spoke with him last night and he has climbed his way back physically and mentally to being able and eager to start working again. Having seen him when he was at in the hospital before and after surgery and recovering in a rehab facility I can tell you it was no small feat for him to get back to the point of working and being self-sufficient.

He is starting a basic job now to get going and he has the goal to return to his chosen vocation - being a purchasing agent for a manufacturer, preferably in the Chicago area. He has a line on couple of potential jobs in the area - waiting for a position to open up. Either of the two jobs will require him to move, set up housing, and/or acquire a car.

He needs some financial help to get bootstrapped back to living an independent life. We talked about a loan to get him started but that's not what he needs. He needs a cash infusion without strings attached so he can start anew, without encumbrance.

I'm putting up the initial funds and I am hoping that those of you that know Charles and what he's been through will be able to chip in.

I don't know how much he will really need to get going. I picked a number that I felt was achievable. Let us see if we collectively blow the top of the goal.

Thank you very much for your consideration!
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  • Eric Krull
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs
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Bringe diese Spendenaktion mit einer Spende von $200 näher an ihr Ziel

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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Wes Dodd
Naperville, IL
Charles Geyer

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