Help CCDC Dancers Shine at Upcoming Festival
Tax deductible
Capital City Dance Collective Family, Friends and Fans,
Thank you for taking the time to view our fundraising page! Capital City Dance Collective (CCDC) is a pre-professional dance company in our inaugural season. We are committed to providing a supportive instructional environment for young dancers. A place to feel safe and inspired to nurture their creative spirit.
We are raising funds to pay for students to attend a 4 day festival where they will take master classes, seminars and perform for their peers. Being seen by professional dance companies and collage/university dance programs. Costs for this festival includes choreography, costumes, theatre lighting, travel, and lodging.
Your tax-deductible gift is key to our ability to move forward with our plans for the season and ambitious future! We appreciate every donation.
Cost breakdown:
- Choreography $1,750
- Costumes $1,200
- Theatre Lighting $500
- Travel for all dancers and chaperones $6,000
- Lodging for all dancers and chaperones $4,500
Ashley Christensen
Windsor, WI
Capital City Dance Collective Inc.