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Help Cadillac Kimberly give back!!

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Hello everyone! I am reaching out to you all today because our dear sweet friend is in need of our help!

She's made you laugh til you cry, she's left you speechless, and made you wish she was your best friend! You all know Ms. Cadillac Kimberly, and you love her for her real, no nonsense, tell it like it is attitude!

For those who don't know, Kimberly is much more than just an extremely talented and charismatic comedienne. She has a HUGE heart and is one of the most compassionate people you'll ever meet. She'll go to the ends of the earth for the ones she loves.

She has recently come across a young girl in a desperate situation and has felt it in her heart to sort of "sponsor" this beautiful, brave girl. At only 12 years old, this girl has lived in poverty all her life with her mother who was battling a very serious drug addiction. Unfortunately, her mother recently passed away due to complications from the addiction. Kimberly has taken very strongly to this girl and recognizes her strengths and abilities even through tremendous odds and adversities. She is a very smart, grounded girl who is FULL of potential. Kimberly decided she wanted to help give her a chance at a future as bright as she is, and set forth a plan to pay her tuition to a prestigious local private school. Kimberly knew this would be an invaluable gift to this child to ensure that she had a real chance to break the cycle she was born into and RISE ABOVE!!!

So Kimberly spent months and months saving her own money and networking and fundraising to afford her enrollment. She was well on track to make this a reality, when unfortunately, Kimberly was a victim of a robbery. She escaped the situation unharmed, but the thieves made off with every dime of the tuition money.

Shattered, she reached out for help. She was completely devastated, not because of the material things that were stolen from her, but because all the hard work she had put into changing this girl's life was GONE. In an instant.

But Kimberly is a fighter to her core and she's not giving up. However, now she needs some serious help to make this happen.

I am calling on EVERYONE who has ever watched one of her hilarious vlogs, read her posts on Facebook, followed her on Twitter, or tuned in to her segments on the radio to PLEASE take a moment and donate to this worthy cause! Kimberly lays her heart and soul on the line with every bit of comedy she creates for you all EVERY TIME! And the entertainment is always free of charge! Now is the perfect time to give back. This means so much to Kimberly. We have to act fast though; school will be starting soon. Please, let's help Kimberly make this a reality! If she can pull this off for just ONE child, she will continue on to her ultimate goal which is to start her own foundation for children in need in the future. People who care this much are hard to find, let's rally together in support of her!!

Thank you for your time :)
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  • Kemmi MsCoutee Johnson
    • $15
    • 7 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Allie Summerlin
Atlanta, GA
Kimberly Freeman

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