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Help bring Hans home from Vietnam

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Friends and family of Hans,

We reach out to you to ask for help.
You may know Hans from 30 years of work in agroforesty, forestry, and rural development in Mexico, or for his conservation work in India, his love of farming, his adventures with elephants or his love of the ocean. Maybe you sailed with him, laughed with him, shared a beer and a story. Perhaps you knew him through his work for local communities around the world, from the Amazon to India, from Mexico to Niger. He may be your colleague, your friend, your uncle or another family member. If so, you may know he is a troubadour at heart, who shares his experiences, makes friends wherever he goes and is always ready to help a someone in need.

Today Hans and his wife and daughters need your help.

If you would like to contribute to helping us pay for his medical bills and the cost of a medically assisted return for him from Vietnam to Mexico. We have set up a GoFundMe account to make this easy. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Every little bit counts. Together, we can achieve this.

His story

On Oct 31st Hans suffered a stroke which left him in a coma. He was in Vietnam prior to traveling to India on a consultancy project. He was taken to the Intensive Care Unit of the Da Nang Hospital and put on a respirator. I flew out immediately with our daughters, Michele and Paola, to be with him, and since Nov. 2 we have been by his side, assisting in his care. We have put on hold our jobs, businesses and studies to support his recovery.

He gradually came out of the coma. Since then he has experienced both wonderful progress and serious setbacks. He regained consciousness and mobility and was out of intensive care and well on his way to recovery when a case of hospital-acquired pneumonia became a serious threat to his survival.

For the last two months he has been on a series of protocols to combat the lung infection. His doctors now recommend that the best course of action is to get him out of the hospital and back home. They recommend a medically assisted transport for the long trip back from Vietnam to Mexico. That major expense is on top of the costs of his hospital care and our associated living costs.

We really need your help because, as I was shocked and dismayed to learn after two months of insistent communication with our insurance company, they will not reimburse any of these expenditures.


  • Lawson McGrain
    • 15 $ 
    • 6 Jahre


Michele Van Kooijk Snook

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