Help Armen Regain Mobility and Independence
Donation protected
9/4/24 UPDATE:
A big thank you to everyone. It's remarkable to me to see the generosity of so many. It has made a big impact. Armen is officially back in a wheelchair! This is a huge deal, and gigantic step towards the finish line. This means that a strong week or two with PT can get Armen home. We are so close. The payment for the hospital room has been paid, so daily Armen needs between $50-70 for time with the physical therapist, food, and hygienic care from the nursing staff.
It may be frustrating to see the fundraising goal go up after being so close, but it has been hard to predict some of the smaller obstacles with infections or needed medications. But the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter each day!

Original Post:
This is my friend, Armen Hovsepyan from Charentsavan, Armenia. Armen and I met 20 years ago in Armenia, a few years after an accident rendered him unable to walk.

After several surgeries and time in the Red Cross, thanks to the generosity of other friends and donors, Armen was able to regain some quality of life and independence in his wheelchair.
Unfortunately, over the past few months, Armen's condition worsened and bed sores, infections, and other complications associated with his condition brought Armen to a terrible situation. Together with a few friends, we've been able to help Armen be taken to a hospital in Yerevan, Armenia and receive the immediate medical attention that he needed, including 2 surgeries, medicine, and 2 months recovery in the hospital.
In order to maintain the progress he has made, Armen needs the money to remain another 1-2 months under a doctor's care and to complete at minimum a month of physical therapy. He currently is unable to sit, or transfer to his wheelchair. This is the goal! If Armen leaves Yerevan to return to his home in the town of Charentsavan without physical therapy, it is likely he will experience the same problems that he's recently overcome.

Please consider donating to get Armen the physical therapy he needs to be able to have some mobility and independence through his wheelchair again.

Jack Manis
Mesa, AZ