Help Annie Fitzgerald Afford Life-Saving Treatment
Hi Everyone,
My name is Annie Fitzgerald and I’m raising funds to help cover the cost of my copays for treatment for my Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. It's a chronic form of leukemia that is unlike other types of cancer and leukemia in that it is something I will have to live with for the rest of my life. I was originally diagnosed in January 2019, and I nearly died in 2021. But, I've been relatively cancer-free for the last few years until a month ago. It has flared up again, and although it was caught early, I still need a chemotherapy cocktail and at least 5 weeks of chemotherapy to keep it from getting worse or spreading to other parts of my body. So, I need to start treatment right away. Unfortunately, like millions of Americans across this country, my insurance company is refusing to cover it in full without $80-$100 copays per treatment, and I'll need 2-3 treatments each week for at least 5 weeks or more. That's around $300 per week! I have multiple other disabilities and chronic conditions that make it very difficult to find employment, and I live on a fixed income with SSDI.
This year, I ran for a state representative seat in Washington's 38th LD, and although I didn't win, I did pretty well in my race. I'm also a student in my junior year of university with big dreams of becoming an art therapist/psychologist so I can help and serve others. I'm excited to complete my degree, and although I'd love to work with any age, I'm especially excited to work with sick or disabled children and find ways to serve my community. I also spend a lot of time and effort volunteering in my community doing disability justice advocacy and mutual aid work, and I would love to be able to continue to do all these things to serve my community.
I believe that certain things like housing and healthcare are both human rights, and I think our for-profit healthcare system is literally causing too many Americans with a story like mine to suffer needlessly, and we need to fight for this to change. But unfortunately for me, in the meantime, I have to ask you for help to cover some of these expenses so I can beat cancer and continue to serve my community.
Please make sure that your own needs are met before you donate, but if you can, please consider sending a few dollars my way. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated, even small ones because they'll add up quickly. Please feel free to share my fundraiser to help spread the word!
I'll try to post updates when I have them, and thank you so much for supporting my fundraiser! Much ❤️ love to all!