Help Andrew build the Carbon Capture Module™
Humanity is facing a catastrophic climate crisis! Our forests are burning, the polar ice caps are melting, and the sea is rising. Our team has designed a scalable, regenerative, mass-producible solution that will remove excess carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and help cool our dangerously-overheated planet. Your donation will go directly toward building and testing a demonstration prototype of the Carbon Capture Module™ and the Sacred Earth EnviroPlex™ as part of Elon Musk's $100M Carbon Removal XPRIZE competition.
Time is of the essence. We must build and test the prototype and report verified results by February 1, 2022! With your timely support, our team stands to win a $1M Milestone Award in February 2022 and up to $50M in the overall 4-year competition. The Award Money will go to building regenerative communities featuring the Enviroplex™. It will be directly applied to restoring our climate and providing a safe, habitable planet for future generations. These are challenging and exciting times, and YOU can help. THANK YOU!
Here is a 1-minute video illustrating the SACRED EARTH ENVIROPLEX™
For more details, go to THE CARBON CAPTURE MODULE