Mrs. Guiying Ma Memorial Fund: Rock Attack Victim
3/14/22 UPDATE:
The funeral of Ms. Guiying Ma is scheduled to be held on 3/26/22, 11:00am, at the Central Funeral Home 162-13 Sanford Ave. Flushing, NY 11355.
Open to public.
馬桂英女士的公祭訂於 3/26/22, 11:00am, 於中央殯儀館 162-13 Sanford Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 舉行.
March 1, 2022 UPDATE: Family of Queens Resident GuiYing Ma Announce Her Death After She Was Attacked Last November While Sweeping the Sidewalk
Mrs. Ma is the fourth Asian American in New York City to die in the last two months as a result of violence against the AAPI community; family urges tougher law enforcement to keep the AAPI community safe.
New York (March 1, 2022) – The family of GuiYing Ma is heartbroken to announce that 62-year-old Queens resident GuiYing Ma died at 9:29 p.m. on February 22, 2022 as a result of “Complications of Blunt Impact Injury of Head.” Mrs. Ma was sweeping the sidewalk when she was violently attacked with a rock in the morning of Friday, November 26, 2021 by a man who was sleeping on the sidewalk. The defendant who was arrested and indicted in this attack had multiple prior arrests, a long criminal record, and was known to be a menace to the community.
The attack permanently damaged the right side of Mrs. Ma’s brain. But the love between Mrs. Ma and her husband Mr. Zhanxin Gao remained. Despite being connected to a ventilator and a feeding tube, Mrs. Ma responded to Mr. Gao by moving her eyes and tearing up when Mr. Gao would speak to her at the hospital. In early February 2022 and just over 10 weeks after the attack, Mrs. Ma awoke from her coma, and was able to raise her hand in response to Mr. Gao even though she could not speak still.
Mrs. Ma came to New York four years ago from Liaoning, China. She will be remembered as an outgoing, friendly and kind individual who took care of everyone, and insisted on giving to others even when she had very little to give. She is survived by her husband, a son and two grandchildren. Services for Mrs. Ma will be announced after her son is able to arrange travel to New York City.
The family thanks the NYPD and Queens County District Attorney’s Office for seeking justice for Mrs. Ma and providing social worker assistance. The family also thanks the many members of the community who have helped them, including Congressperson Grace Meng and her office, Senator John Liu, SoarOverHate, the New York Northeastern Chinese Association, Asians Fighting Injustice, and the family’s pro bono attorneys at the law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.
Mrs. Ma is the fourth Asian American in New York City to die in the last two months as a result of violence against the AAPI community. The deaths of Mrs. Ma, Yao Pan Ma, Michelle Go, and Christina Yuna Lee have made many in the AAPI community feel unsafe. The family urges tougher law enforcement to keep everyone in the AAPI community safe and in particular, the elderly members of our community.
皇后区居民GuiYing Ma去年 11 月清扫人行道时遭受袭击,家人宣布GuiYing Ma死亡
纽约(2022年3月1日)– GuiYing Ma的家人悲痛地宣布,62岁的皇后区居民GuiYing Ma于2022年2月22日晚9时29分去世,死因为“头部钝器撞击伤并发症 ”。2021年11月26日星期五上午,马女士在清扫人行道时,被一名在人行道上睡觉的男子用石头重击。在此次袭击中被逮捕和起诉的被告有多次被捕的前科,屡次犯法,对社会而言是危险人物。
这次袭击对马女士的右脑造成了永久性的伤害。但是马女士和她的丈夫Zhanxin Gao先生之间的爱依然不变。尽管被接上了呼吸机和喂食管,但当高先生在医院与她说话时,马女士还是用转动眼球和流泪的方式回应了高先生。2022年2月初,也就是在袭击发生后的10多周,马女士从昏迷中苏醒,能够举手回应高先生,虽然她还不能开口说话。
马女士家人感谢纽约市警察局和皇后区地方检察官办公室,感谢他们为马女士伸张正义并提供社工援助。马女士家人还感谢曾为他们提供帮助的诸多社区成员,包括国会议员 Grace Meng 及其办公室、参议员John Liu、SoarOverHate、纽约东北同乡会、亚裔反歧视组织Asians Fighting Injustice,以及为全家人提供法律援助的宝维斯律师事务所的律师们。
马女士是过去两个月因针对亚太裔美国人社群的暴力事件而在纽约去世的第四位亚裔美国人。马女士、Yao Pan Ma、Michelle Go 和 Christina Yuna Lee的死令亚太裔美国人社群中的许多人感到不安。马女士家人强烈要求有关部门加强执法,确保亚太裔美国人社群中每个人的安全,特别是老年群体。
Update (2/13/22): This fundraiser was established on the evening of 11/26/21. At that time Mr.Gao and I were standing outside the operation room worrying about every thing that might happen to this old couple. Mr. Gao and Mrs.Ma are neither citizens nor permanent residents, and do not have any insurance nor families in the United States. They are so fragile in every aspect.
As their friend, I am so worried about all the expenses coming after this incident. But we are lucky to live here in the United States. A country that although has many public safety problems, but also has a system that helps support crime victims. All the medical expenses in H&H hospital NYC was covered by emergency medicaid so far.
I appreciate all your donations, which will be kept in a trust titled "MA-GAO 2022 FAMILY TRUST" established with the help of the Paul, Weiss Law Firm. The fund will be used for all medical expenses not covered by emergency medicaid and also for daily related expenses & supporting the family during this difficult time. Thank you again for all your kindness & donations.
Original Update: Hi, my name is Yihung Hsieh. I’m helping fundraise for my friend Gui Ying Ma, a Chinese grandmother, 62-years-old, from Liaoning, China, who was assaulted by a homeless man. He attacked her head with a rock on the morning of 11/26/21, and she has now been admitted to the Elmhurst Hospital ICU. She has serious brain bleeding and needed surgery to open the skull, drain the fluid and release the pressure. Her life is still in danger. She doesn’t have medical insurance and lost jobs after pandemic. Her husband was working for a restaurant cleaning. Their son and two grandchildren all in China. Besides her husband, no other families in US. I’m here to ask if anyone who would like to help her, please go fund them. Thank you. (11/26/21 evening)