Help Adam Lewis Beat Cancer
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Hi friends,
Well it’s been a minute since a lot of you have heard from me so I’m writing today to update all my friends, those I haven’t been in touch with for a minute and whoever else might be interested.
As some of you know I’ve been battling pancreatic cancer for the past few years. I still don’t understand why or how this happened to me, but it goes to show that it can happen to any of us at any time. So please, take it from me, enjoy every day you can. I mean even the shitty stuff that happens to all of us. Enjoy traffic, enjoy when Postmates fucks up your order or your dog has explosive diarrhea on your brand new rug. Because you have another day to enjoy. Love each other and enjoy love to its fullest. Don’t wait to call someone back for so long and don’t worry so damn much. Most of this stuff we go through is so insignificant and now that I look back on things, it’s not even worth the time or the stress.
Anyways….to catch everyone up I started this fight a few years ago and did a lot of chemotherapy to the point where I was able to have surgery to remove any cancer, and for about a year the cancer was gone or rather undetectable. After some time my markers (blood tests to see if there’s any cancer proteins in my blood) started going up and immediately my doctors started looking into what was going on. Sure enough the cancer was back. Since then I’ve been through numerous chemo treatments all of which have helped keep the cancer stable and allow me to keep going but it’s been so hard emotionally, physically, and mentally. Unfortunately, none of these treatments were actually killing the cancer all the way. Recently I was told that I was eligible for a brand spanking new targeted medicine that was designed for my specific mutation and that the study was getting great results. Fast forward 2 months and it sort of worked and sort of didn’t. It helped keep things stable in other places but my tumor where my pancreatic surgery was got slightly bigger in one direction and actually shrunk in the other direction but the results were not good enough to stay on the medication because usually there are more positive and significant results this far in with this medicine. So now I’m on a down swing and I’m told that chemo most likely won’t work anymore as cancer can build up a resistance. I’m beyond tired and broken down and I feel as though I’m falling apart. I’m almost surprised everyday when I wake up that I actually woke up. I don’t know how much more time I have left but I’m still not ready to quit. I don’t want to leave my kids nor my family. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through but my life is so amazing I keep taking the torture to keep going another day.
Everyone always asks what can they do to help or what do I need and I always say the same thing: “I’m fine just keep praying for me and my family.” Well, now I need all the help I can get as I begin a new fight. I’m unable to work and provide for my family at this time and seeing my family having to take on the extra stress breaks my heart. I must travel to the east coast for a brand new treatment and I pray that this will be the one that finally helps me, because if not, I’m pretty much out of options.
I’m not writing this for anyone to feel bad for me. I’ve lived a wonderful life and I’ve got to see things and do things most people never get to. I’m blessed to have made 2 amazing children with my beyond amazing wife. And I want to thank each one of you who’ve helped create my wonderful memories which is kind of all I have left at this point. I sometimes just sit out on my porch in the sun and think about all the wonderful people I’ve met and places I’ve been along my journey. It’s these things and people that make me complete and happy with my choices in life.
I’m not giving up yet and this isn’t the end but I felt it necessary to share this with you all. The band and I have been working on some new material that we’re really excited about. My goal is to be there when it’s time to play shows and be there when we release new music and hope to get back to where I was before all this started.
All my love,
Chris Lewis
Los Angeles, CA