Help Ace Walk Pain Free
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Houston Homeless Pet Project, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Houston Homeless Pet Project: We are a core group of volunteers with more than 50 years experience in dog rescue. We help the "every man" the good Samaritan who finds a homeless dog and is trying to find it a permanent home. Many rescues do not help. We also are the rescue of last resort, helping those animals who find themselves out of time. We pull from the county shelter, have the dogs vetted, rehabilitated, fostered and find it a loving, permanent home.
Ace saw the orthopedic surgeon today and he's much worse off than we suspected. She said his whole back end is a mess!!! He needs FHO surgery on his left hip. He won't go in for surgery for a couple of weeks yet because he has severe skin issues that the surgeon wants to clear up first. He went to Foster Mom's house with a whole retinue of medications. While he's under anesthesia from the FHO the surgeon will take more x-rays of his right hip because she says there's damage there as well. Depending on what the x-rays show, he might need surgery on his right hip too. So far we have accumulated $1,100 in vet bills for Ace. The surgeon estimates the FHO surgery will be about $2,500, and that's just for the one side! Any donation you can give will be greatly and gratefully appreciated as we will need all the help we can get to get this beautiful boy to being the healthy, pain free pup he is supposed to be! Thank you!!!
More information about Houston Homeless Pet Project: We are a core group of volunteers with more than 50 years experience in dog rescue. We help the "every man" the good Samaritan who finds a homeless dog and is trying to find it a permanent home. Many rescues do not help. We also are the rescue of last resort, helping those animals who find themselves out of time. We pull from the county shelter, have the dogs vetted, rehabilitated, fostered and find it a loving, permanent home.
Ace saw the orthopedic surgeon today and he's much worse off than we suspected. She said his whole back end is a mess!!! He needs FHO surgery on his left hip. He won't go in for surgery for a couple of weeks yet because he has severe skin issues that the surgeon wants to clear up first. He went to Foster Mom's house with a whole retinue of medications. While he's under anesthesia from the FHO the surgeon will take more x-rays of his right hip because she says there's damage there as well. Depending on what the x-rays show, he might need surgery on his right hip too. So far we have accumulated $1,100 in vet bills for Ace. The surgeon estimates the FHO surgery will be about $2,500, and that's just for the one side! Any donation you can give will be greatly and gratefully appreciated as we will need all the help we can get to get this beautiful boy to being the healthy, pain free pup he is supposed to be! Thank you!!!
Juanita Torres Floor
Spring, TX
Houston Homeless Pet Project