Help Lauren & Nikki, A Disabled Couple, Pay Rent
Donation protected
Hi everyone,
I hate to be in this position (again) but unfortunately, I need to ask for help.
My name is Lauren, and my fiance Nikki and I are a disabled couple who have been struggling badly in this silent recession, and sadly things got worse when she was furloughed from her job in May.
For those unfamiliar with the term, furloughed meaning a forced, unpaid leave of absence. Since she was not fired she is ineligible for unemployment, but won’t have hours at her job again until late August. Every part time employee at her job was furloughed for this time period with only 2 weeks notice.
As mentioned, She and I are both disabled; i have a herniated disc & chronic migraines, she has PTSD & POTS (a heart condition). Life isn’t easy, but we make it work as best we can.
Right now, we have been surviving off of just my income for the last 6 weeks, and unfortunately our monthly rent is more than 50% of my income. I was also diagnosed with PCOS this month, which has been the source of additional health problems for me, and causing me even more stress and illness while i start new medication to get the symptoms under control.
Combined with our medical costs, groceries, phone bill, internet and utility bills, we are drowning, and will be unable to make our rent for July, and most probably August as well. (Can i add how freaking unfair this all is, especially to be happening to a queer couple during Pride month?!)
While my partner is actively searching for other work every day, it is infinitely harder for her since we don’t have a car, and she has to be able to take the bus to wherever she applies.
We’ve both tried applying for loans to keep us afloat, but have either been denied or were only able to get small short term payday loans, which we are also struggling to pay back.
I’ve set the amount of this gofundme as $3K, because that is 2 months’ worth of rent for us. Any little bit you can send our way helps immensely.
And If you’ve read this far, thank you so much for your time, we really appreciate it.
Thank you so so much.
(Other options open for donation include my venmo, which is @Lauren-Ashley-1871
Or if you know me personally, i have zelle through my phone number. Thanks again)
Lauren Medina
Long Beach, CA