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Helias Kidney transplant

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As most of our friends and family may know, Eli has been suffering from kidney failure for the past several months. It has been a struggle but we have received blessed news that he has found his perfect donor match from his brother Armando. They both will be going through this surgery together. With this great blessing does come some financial responsibility. We are fortunate that our insurance (as far as we know) will cover the surgery, however we will still be faced with many medical expenses after the surgery. 

We are reaching out to our friends and family to help donate toward expenses for both surgeries. No matter how big or small any donation helps. We appreciate everyone’s support. God bless.
Faire un don


  • Jesica Estrada
    • 200 $ 
    • 6 ans
Faire un don


Charise Priddy
San Jose, CA

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