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We are raising funds to self-publish our second fundraising cookbook ‘Heart & Parcel | From Home to Home’ - and we need your help!
Heart & Parcel is a local food and education project with national and global reach based in Levenshulme, Manchester. We bring people learning English from all communities together to develop English skills through the medium of food and cooking.
'COOK EAT WRITE SHARE' was released in 2019 and has been so useful in helping us to raise funds for our free English language provision here in the UK. We have been so proud of this cookbook. It has reached kitchens all over the world. We printed 1000 copies and due to your incredible support, we have sold out!
We now need your help to fund another cookbook so that we can continue to share our learner’s delicious recipes, spread the word about Heart & Parcel and raise funds for our ongoing projects.
With your support, we can bring the same great creative team together and print a brand new cookbook to share our recipes and stories from the past 2 years.
In 2020 during lockdown, we were actually able to reach more learners than ever through our online cooking and English classes which then developed into our learner-led cookalongs. We met over 800 learners from across the UK and built a new online community, sharing ideas, cooking skills and recipes from our own homes, keeping the important connections alive through food and English language learning when the world was at its most isolated.
With this new cookbook, you can expect mouth-watering and diverse dishes from home kitchens across the UK, with unique personal stories accompanying each one from learners who have attended our recent online projects. This new edition would enable us to sustain our everyday running costs and our ability to provide regular projects for English language learners to come together and develop their English skills in a relaxed, informal and welcoming learning space.
Your generous donations will help ensure the continuation of our work, and allow us to keep sharing Heart & Parcel’s message through these fabulous recipes.

Your generous contribution would pay for the entire process of creating the cookbook. This involves: the photographer’s fee (£2900) to photograph all learners and their delicious dishes in the comfort of their homes, the designer’s costs (£3600) to develop a beautifully presented and accessible cookbook, and the editor's time (£1840) to organise and develop a fully coherent and logical book. The printers would print and bind 1000 copies (£5565).

All our other costs of project management, recipe testing, marketing, selling, delivery and distribution will be covered by Heart & Parcel.
We have found this to be the best and most consistent way to support Heart & Parcel’s ongoing work and continue sharing learner’s incredible recipes that are coming out of our sessions.

Your generous contributions to facilitate this second cookbook would enable us to sustain our everyday running costs for our project next year (see infographic in link below), and to provide further regular sessions for English language learners in and across Manchester to come together and develop their English skills in a relaxed informal and welcoming learning space. These sessions will be online and face to face to cater for all accessibility.
You can see more about where our money from the cookbook goes in this helpful visual here: COOKBOOK 2 SALES INFOGRAPHIC

We are a local food and education project with national and global reach based in Levenshulme, Manchester. We've been running for 5 years providing free informal and relaxed English and cooking classes for any English language learners who need a supportive, nurturing and safe environment to practice their everyday English language skills. Due to our approach and nature of our work, we work primarily with women and those who cannot access government run ESOL classes due to their restrictive eligibility. So we work with all communities, refugees, asylum seekers, unemployed and those who have difficulty physically accessing classes. We have worked with over 800 learners over 5 years and have run over 210 classes developing English language skills through food. We also run catering, workshops, markets, supper clubs and online cookalongs as platforms for our learners to develop and challenge and apply their English language into meaningful functional and everyday skills. We’ve watched people join us and go onto create their own groups, businesses and small food ventures, as well as getting into further volunteering opportunities, paid work and further study.
Our first cookbook was a result of an English and cooking project where learners came together to develop their English writing skills through writing recipes, talking about them and sharing them with each other.
The book was self published using a group of creatives: photographer , designers , editor and lots of volunteer recipe testers and the women taking part to create a beautiful finished product which documents the delicious dishes, lives and stories of the women Heart & Parcel works with. You can see more here: HEART & PARCEL COOKBOOK and also our first Cookbook video in 2019 here:
We did a print run of 1000 of the first edition and due to the overwhelming popularity we have almost sold out. We have had over 15 stockists who have stocked the book ranging from art & cinema cultural institutions to restaurants, local bars, shops and cafes across England and in Japan.
100% cookbook sales go back into our project, generating further provision for people learning English from different communities across Manchester.

The sales from the cookbook have allowed us to run Heart & Parcel's general running costs from 2019 to 2020, and have paid for two significant 6 week projects (Share the Dish 2019) in Salford and Longsight to 54 learners wishing to develop their English skills to teach others their delicious recipes.

You can read more about our project here: HEART & PARCEL
You can read about our research and impact reports on each of our projects here: RESEARCH
You can see what other people have been saying about our work here: PRESS & MEDIA

Heart & Parcel is a local food and education project with national and global reach based in Levenshulme, Manchester. We bring people learning English from all communities together to develop English skills through the medium of food and cooking.
'COOK EAT WRITE SHARE' was released in 2019 and has been so useful in helping us to raise funds for our free English language provision here in the UK. We have been so proud of this cookbook. It has reached kitchens all over the world. We printed 1000 copies and due to your incredible support, we have sold out!
We now need your help to fund another cookbook so that we can continue to share our learner’s delicious recipes, spread the word about Heart & Parcel and raise funds for our ongoing projects.
With your support, we can bring the same great creative team together and print a brand new cookbook to share our recipes and stories from the past 2 years.
In 2020 during lockdown, we were actually able to reach more learners than ever through our online cooking and English classes which then developed into our learner-led cookalongs. We met over 800 learners from across the UK and built a new online community, sharing ideas, cooking skills and recipes from our own homes, keeping the important connections alive through food and English language learning when the world was at its most isolated.
With this new cookbook, you can expect mouth-watering and diverse dishes from home kitchens across the UK, with unique personal stories accompanying each one from learners who have attended our recent online projects. This new edition would enable us to sustain our everyday running costs and our ability to provide regular projects for English language learners to come together and develop their English skills in a relaxed, informal and welcoming learning space.
Your generous donations will help ensure the continuation of our work, and allow us to keep sharing Heart & Parcel’s message through these fabulous recipes.

Your generous contribution would pay for the entire process of creating the cookbook. This involves: the photographer’s fee (£2900) to photograph all learners and their delicious dishes in the comfort of their homes, the designer’s costs (£3600) to develop a beautifully presented and accessible cookbook, and the editor's time (£1840) to organise and develop a fully coherent and logical book. The printers would print and bind 1000 copies (£5565).

All our other costs of project management, recipe testing, marketing, selling, delivery and distribution will be covered by Heart & Parcel.
We have found this to be the best and most consistent way to support Heart & Parcel’s ongoing work and continue sharing learner’s incredible recipes that are coming out of our sessions.

Your generous contributions to facilitate this second cookbook would enable us to sustain our everyday running costs for our project next year (see infographic in link below), and to provide further regular sessions for English language learners in and across Manchester to come together and develop their English skills in a relaxed informal and welcoming learning space. These sessions will be online and face to face to cater for all accessibility.
You can see more about where our money from the cookbook goes in this helpful visual here: COOKBOOK 2 SALES INFOGRAPHIC

We are a local food and education project with national and global reach based in Levenshulme, Manchester. We've been running for 5 years providing free informal and relaxed English and cooking classes for any English language learners who need a supportive, nurturing and safe environment to practice their everyday English language skills. Due to our approach and nature of our work, we work primarily with women and those who cannot access government run ESOL classes due to their restrictive eligibility. So we work with all communities, refugees, asylum seekers, unemployed and those who have difficulty physically accessing classes. We have worked with over 800 learners over 5 years and have run over 210 classes developing English language skills through food. We also run catering, workshops, markets, supper clubs and online cookalongs as platforms for our learners to develop and challenge and apply their English language into meaningful functional and everyday skills. We’ve watched people join us and go onto create their own groups, businesses and small food ventures, as well as getting into further volunteering opportunities, paid work and further study.
Our first cookbook was a result of an English and cooking project where learners came together to develop their English writing skills through writing recipes, talking about them and sharing them with each other.
The book was self published using a group of creatives: photographer , designers , editor and lots of volunteer recipe testers and the women taking part to create a beautiful finished product which documents the delicious dishes, lives and stories of the women Heart & Parcel works with. You can see more here: HEART & PARCEL COOKBOOK and also our first Cookbook video in 2019 here:
We did a print run of 1000 of the first edition and due to the overwhelming popularity we have almost sold out. We have had over 15 stockists who have stocked the book ranging from art & cinema cultural institutions to restaurants, local bars, shops and cafes across England and in Japan.
100% cookbook sales go back into our project, generating further provision for people learning English from different communities across Manchester.

The sales from the cookbook have allowed us to run Heart & Parcel's general running costs from 2019 to 2020, and have paid for two significant 6 week projects (Share the Dish 2019) in Salford and Longsight to 54 learners wishing to develop their English skills to teach others their delicious recipes.

You can read more about our project here: HEART & PARCEL
You can read about our research and impact reports on each of our projects here: RESEARCH
You can see what other people have been saying about our work here: PRESS & MEDIA

Clare Courtney