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Healing The Black Community With The TRUTH

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Shalom family,

Thank you for reading this writing, which explains our fundraiser goals for 2022. We wanted to be incredibly detailed in communicating our vision for this campaign, so when you sow a seed into this ministry, you are 100% sure your seed is being harvested to produce good fruit. Every dime of the $700,000+ we raise will be used to save OUR people.

Dear Minister,

My name is Yvette. I just wanted to update and share how your videos have continued to inspire me to make healthy changes in my life. Before I went plant-based, I would listen to your videos every evening upon returning home from work. I am now 60 years old and have battled weight most of my life. On July 8, 2019, I made the change to plant-based. I am now down 85 pounds with more to go! I continue to listen to your videos to keep me inspired. I share your message with whoever will listen. I continue to work on improving my health! May God continue to bless you and your ministry! Thank you for all you do. You are truly doing God’s work!

Yvette Frank

$700,000 is NOTHING compared to Big Pharma which spends BILLIONS of dollars advertising their toxic drugs to our people every day via television, billboards, radio, social media ads, newspaper ads, and anywhere else they can get their slimy claws on. This Satanic industry has murdered millions of our people, and they are determined to brainwash the entire world into accepting the myth that health can only come through a pill or a needle.

While we fully understand the Scriptures teach Satan is the prince and power of the air, we also understand Satan has no control or authority outside of Sovereignty of The Most-High YAH, the Creator and Ruler of ALL. Therefore, we passionately believe it is our responsibility as healing ministers chosen by The Most-High to do our best to reach as many of our people as possible. We will not cower to Satan, the created. NO! We will boldly trust in the omnipotence of the Creator of Satan and ALL in the universe, including the spiritual realm!

Our vision is to be NOAH like in our approach instead of JONAH like. We want the knowledge about the miraculous healing power of The Medicine Foods of YAH and His Holy Ways of Living to encompass the ENTIRE EARTH as the waters cover the sea. Therefore NO ONE will be able to claim ignorance. We want every one of our people to know WHO THEY ARE and WHAT THEY MUST DO so that they can decide for themselves. Will YOU help us combat the efforts of the wicked to DENY our people the RIGHT to at least HEAR the TRUTH so they can decide FOR THEMSELVES?

Here is a brief overview of a few of the MANY outlets used to promote fear, immorality, death, destruction, and evil to our people. Help this unique healing ministry be a LIGHT amid DARKNESS. For more information, please watch the fundraiser video. Also, please keep in mind the amounts below are the VISION, the GOAL of what is needed for OPTIMAL results. And always keep in mind our monetary goals are a drop in the bucket compared to what our enemies and oppressors spend every second of the day advertising GENCODE to our people.

“Greetings, Minister of Wellness,”

“My son is 13 years old, and his name is Isaac Abraham Mensah.”
“He started listening to you in September 2019 and instantly changed his eating habits eating G-BOMBS (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds).”

“He went from 203 pounds in September 2019, and today, 1-23-2020, he weighs just 152!”
“He eats 2-3 times a day black beans, pinto beans, broccoli and recently added a Lil scope of mashed potatoes, and at times avocado. He has even eaten Mediterranean bread at times.

He eats no oil, no dairy, no sugar, no processed foods, no chicken.”

Facebook Advertising - $15,000 per month, $180,000 per year. Facebook Advertising is the most important aspect of our outreach. Why? Because it allows us to collect emails, which CANNOT be taken away via censorship once received. It is ours once we have an email unless the owner removes it. We must maintain a consistent daily presence on Facebook. $500 per day is optimal because it allows us to collect 500-1,000 new emails per day from our people around the world. We must reach one million emails collected THIS YEAR. Time is short, and the days are growing eviler.

Newspaper & Magazine Ads - local $5,500 local per month $66,000 per year. This is only the cost of a LOCAL push. The St. Louis American is one of America's top ten largest Black Owned and Operated newspapers. At this cost, we can run this beautiful half-paged, full-colored AD distributed to the entire Black Population of St. Louis, MO. However, with your support, we would like to place this AD in each of America's Top 10 Black-Owned and operated newspapers AND magazines. Imagine seeing this in EBONY and JET magazines?

TV Commercials - $7,500 local ($90,000 per year) $22,500, national per month $270,000. This is our current local TV commercial in St. Louis, MO. We already have another version ready in advance. We have been standing on faith that this commercial WILL, with your support, air on Black Media throughout the WORLD.

Radio – local is $5,000 per month, ($60,000 per year) or $15,000 per month $180,000. This is our current radio spot (watch the video to listen). With your support, this could be airing between The Breakfast Club, The Steve Harvey Morning Show, and every other major Black Radio show.

Billboards - $7,000 local, $84,00 per year. My vision is to have billboards throughout every major city in this nation where our people are gathered. We currently have four billboards visible in the Black Community of St. Louis, MO.

Digital – podcasts, YouTube, Tik Tok, Twitter, popular websites, and much more. What I listed above easily surpasses $700,000.

In all sincerity, $1,000,000 is optimal. This may seem like a lot, however, is only 20,000 give $50, or 10,000 give $100, or 7,000 give $150, or 4,000 give $250, or 2,000 give $500, or 1,000 give 1,000. Or, if 1,000 give $100 each month we could fully accomplish our vision for 2022.

Shalom Minister of Wellness,

My name is Crystal, and I am from New Jersey. So far, I’ve gone from 247 lbs to 195 lbs. And yes, I’ve downloaded (with your permission) and repeatedly listened to your g-bombs series videos & 12 components of food addiction videos while driving. I have lost 52 lbs and two clothes sizes. It’s lovely to bag up clothes that are too large. I give all praises to The Most-High YAH. Thank you for telling it like it is with no excuses.

May The Most High continue to bless you and your family. I’m genuinely grateful. Happy new year to you and yours on March 24 (Exodus 12:2). This will be my first Passover having Better Burgers with my matza! You’re right; actions speak louder than words when it comes to family and friends. This is a mindset to do it or not. I chose to do it. It took an out-of-the-blue first-time-ever gallstone attack (2 tiny gallstones I found out at the ER) to do this. I apologize to my own body for consuming what was probably three lifetimes’ worth of cheese.

The doctor offered me surgery and said I could still eat pizza; I opted for g-bombs instead. I CAN be healthy! I WILL be healthy! I MUST be healthy! Have I had a second attack? No. I will also be sober and vigilant in these last days as Yahshua’s return approaches. No more food addiction. May Yahuah bless you, keep you, shine His face upon you, and give you peace.


Having reached my complete weight loss goals of 100 lbs now, I’ve placed this in perspective and realized that I’ve been carrying around four huge watermelons!!! (or if you will, two giant bags of topsoil) As forgiving as the body is, I am grateful for The Most High’s mercy for not having me suffer through anything worse than a one-time gallstone attack. Although there is nothing easy about this journey, I am happy for all those before me who were first successful and after me who WILL BE successful. I’m saving money by eating proper portions now, and my joints and bloodwork have greatly appreciated these changes. Daily acid reflux and occasional headaches have subsided–I have had neither in over a year–not once. We can all do this! Let’s keep up the effort, get back up again, if needed, and continue supporting each other. Don’t give up! No more gluttony, woohoo!!!


Sister Crystal

Proverbs 3:9-10 “Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your harvest; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

2 Corinthians 9:6, 7 – “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver.”

Proverbs 11:25 – “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

Minister Of Wellness.

I stumbled across your channel several months ago when I was surfing the Watchman Report Channel on YouTube. I listened to a couple of your shorter videos addressing pork’s dangers (which I wholeheartedly agreed with) and chicken (which I vehemently disagreed with). Since I was driving (I have a 45-minute commute one way), I listened to the videos to the end. In both videos, you referenced G-BOMBS. Although I agreed with your assessment of Food Inc, Big Ag, and Big Pharma’s wicked ways, I could not let go of your criticisms of my beloved chicken. So I dismissed your overall message.

A few weeks after that, I read the Book of Daniel, and the Daniel Diet intrigued me. To bring in the new year (I observed the new year on so-called April 19th) on so-called March 19th, I went on a 30 Day Daniel Fast in which I only ate vegetables, some fruits, and raw nuts primarily. No meat, no dairy, no processed foods, no added sugar, no added salt, no eating out, and no booze. My primary purpose was to make my Temple an appropriate dwelling place for the Most-High, and my partial goal was to set an example for my wife with three autoimmune diseases.

The weight melted off of me. Losing weight was not my goal, and I just wanted to detox my body and stop supporting Food Inc and Big Pharma. I lost a pound a day. My gut health improved immediately. After a few days, the brain fog disappeared, and my energy level increased. Within two weeks, my knee and ankle pain vastly dropped ( I played some college basketball and was in the Army Reserves for 28 years, so I have an arthritic knee and ankle).

I broke the Daniel Fast on Passover (so-called May 2nd) with a meal of grilled lamb, vegetables cooked in olive oil, and red wine. The following day my body punished me with a severe case of bubble guts. I was sluggish. I knew I could not go back to my old eating habits. But I had no clue how to maintain my new diet. On sheer willpower, I could eat clean for 30 days. However, I knew I needed guidance to keep clean eating for the rest of my life. So I asked YaH for wisdom. Since it was the Feast of Unleavened Bread, I mainly ate clean. I soon watched your “Science Agrees With The Bible PORK IS NOT FOOD!” video on Watchmen Reports. That was the first video I actively watched. Previously I just passively listened to while driving. So I perused the comments. I was shocked at the brainwashed food zombies desperately trying to hold on to their swine. I immediately went to your channel and subscribed.

A few days later, your 12 part video series on the “G-BOMBS” dropped, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I also watched all 12 videos of your Food Addiction series. I’ve lost a total of 60 pounds in four months. I mostly follow the Nutritarian diet; I’d say 90 percent of the time. I still have the occasional chicken or lamb, but my diet is no longer meat or processed foods. When I eat, I order a large salad and bring my dressing. With YaH’s strength and your informative videos, I do not doubt that I can maintain my new eating habits for the rest of my life. YAH willing, I plan on attending your seminar in so-called January.

May YaHUaH our Aluahy’m bless you, your family, your ministry, and your congregation with His love, peace, and wisdom.

Your fellow servant of the Most-High

Robert Nicholas

May our Father The Most-High YAH and our Master and Savior Yahushua HaMaschiac richly bless all who give what they are able,

The Minister Of Wellness Nathaniel & Dr. Chef Felicia Ann Jordan
The Minister Of Wellness Ministries
Biblical Principles That Eradicate OBESITY & ALL Disease


NatanYahu Yarden
Creve Coeur, MO

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