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Hurricane Harvey Relief

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Hi friends,

We are starting this to fund disaster relief supplies for the Houston and Rockport communities. As soon as we are able to get out and about we're going to use every dollar to buy food, blankets, clothing, toiletries, and medical supplies to donate to Hurricane Harvey shelters to help people get through the coming weeks & months.

As you all have seen on the news, our coastal community of Rockport has been completely devastated by the storm. Now Houston is suffering from major flooding and tens of thousands of people are displaced from their homes. We want to do everything we can to help our resilient friends & neighbors bounce back, and would very much appreciate your support.

Any amount you can give will make a difference. Please leave a note if you have a preference on your donation going toward Houston or Rockport, and if you prefer for it to be used to purchase food, blankets, clothing, toiletries, medical supplies, or anything else.

Thank you all so much for your support and for your continued prayers for Texas. 

- Melissa Caspary and Domi Dunlap

More details:
Melissa and Domi are both Houston residents. Melissa's family is from Rockport, a place very close to our hearts. Please note that none of the donations will go to any friends or relatives, but all will be used to buy essential supplies as cost efficiently as possible (from Costco or Walmart or whatever is open and stocked) and we will distribute them personally to a shelter such as the George R. Brown Convention Center or another temporary shelter in Houston.

At this time (8/29/17) Rockport is still pretty shut down, and since most residents evacuated it will be a while before they are set up to accept donations, but if you note that you would like your donation to go to Rockport we will deliver it personally in the coming weeks. If you're from Rockport and know anywhere in need of immediate donations please let us know.

Thank you all again & everyone in TX stay safe! 

P.S. For full transparency - "GoFundMe's fee is 5% from each donation you receive. The payment processor fee is 2.9% + $0.30 per donation."



  • Suzanne Watson
    • $140
    • 7 yrs
  • Laina Gallagher
    • $40 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Melissa Caspary
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Melissa Caspary
Houston, TX

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