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Harrisonburg Culinary District Workers

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The Harrisonburg downtown culinary district is home to more than 45 restaurants and other food and beverage related businesses. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state government of Virginia has mandated all bars and restaurants seat a maximum of 10 patrons at all times. This has resulted in countless layoffs, with those workers remaining with jobs exposed to this dangerous new virus. If you have ever enjoyed a meal, a round of drinks, a movie, a night of dancing, or a shopping spree in downtown Harrisonburg, understand that it was solely because of the backbreaking and thankless work of a community of barbacks, bar managers, bartenders, bouncers, cashiers, chefs, dishwashers, front of house managers, hosts, kitchen managers, line cooks, prepcooks, servers, sound technicians, and ushers. We are a community of people, a family. Many of us are uninsured, immunocomprimized, have elderly parents, or are facing mounting rent, utility, and grocery bills during this emergency, and now's your time to give back.


  • Ian Munro
    • 20 $ 
    • 4 Jahre


Nevin Lough Zehr
Harrisonburg, VA

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