Hamilton Family Strong
On Monday, November 9, while working out of town Jerry had a stroke. He was able to receive TPA (blood thinners) to hopefully reverse the effects of the stroke. Unfortunately after receiving the TPA Jerry developed a brain bleed. The medical staff then had him life flighted to University of Kentucky- Lexington where he is now recovering in the Stroke ICU. Currently he is unable to move his right side, unable to speak, has involuntary movement of the left, and has had a seizure. We are hopeful for full recovery, but realistic that this will be a long journey for the Hamilton Family.
Jerry is an amazing husband and father. Very active with his sons sports. He works two jobs to provide for them without question. Being realistic, it will be a while before he is able to return to work. And Mary will be out of work to be by his side while in the ICU.
This sudden event will have a huge impact on their lives. We are asking for donations to help cover normal living expenses during this unknown time. Hopefully, taking the burden off of them will allow for a much easier time to recover and support each other as they navigate their new future.