Haiti Deaf Academy Housing
Tax deductible

We have already raised $12,672 so far. Thank you to everyone for your support!
We are now an official charity organization with Go Fund Me which gives us a big discount so we opened a new campign with the remaining amount we need to raise to reach our goal!

Help us empower, educate and employ.
Funds are needed immediately for housing, allowing us to contunie caring for our 54 deaf children as they attend a nearby school. Last week, we received the long awaited title for government land given to us for permanent facilities. No more rent in our future! The property is beautiful and the community is excited about what is to come. 100% of Go Fund Me dollars will go to our current housing needs so we can begin construction! Once we have our new building we can kick our rent payments goodbye!

For more information on the Haiti Deaf Academy, please read on…
The Haiti Deaf Academy (HDA) is a planned boarding school for children without access to education and rescues many from situations of abuse and trafficking. The HDA will have an initial capacity of 100 children and will include dorms, the first known sign language taught high school in Haiti and a vocational training program. The HDA will be located in the vacinity of Leveque, Haiti, where approxinately 160 deaf families reside. Primary school children in this area currently live in temporary dorms while they attend two deaf education classrooms in a nearby hearing school. This student housing is at capacity and the waiting list is growing.

The Haiti Deaf Academy will allow us to expand our offerings of:
· Language development
· Academic education
· Deaf education teacher training
· Sign language interpreter training
· Vocational training
· Social services to keep families intact
· Hearing Health Clinic
· Community Center for inclusion activities
The Hearing Health Clinic will provide screenings to all adults and children in the community, as well as early detection screening for newborns. Hearing devices will be provided, along with speech therapy.
Beyond language and academic education, the HDA will train hearing impaired students for employment and a future of independence. Vocational training in the following areas is already underway:
· Carpentry
· Sewing
· Art and Craft making
· Speech Training
· Hearind Aid Technician
Small businesses on the school property will serve as a business development training ground and foundation for future work opportunities. Transitional housing on campus for graduating students will include job coaching and mentoring. The HDA will employ many graduates and hearing impaired commmunity members. A community center will serve the deaf and hearing community, teaching hearing loss prevention and promoting integration and cross cultural activities.
Please help us keep their doors open and able to expand to serve more children. Immediate needs include:
· Rent for their two temporary houses
· Funds for construction of permanent facilities
Thank you for helping us ensure these children can count on a safe place to sleep at night and the opportunity to maximize their potential in life. No longer a silent world.
The Haiti Deaf Academy is a project of CB Deaf Ministry, a 501c3.
To provide financial support or learn more about the Haiti Deaf Children’s Home, please contact:
[email redacted]
Kathryn Leach Montoya
Meridian, ID
COMMISSIONED BELIEVERS DEAF MINISTRY INC dba Haiti Deaf Academy (Haiti Deaf Academy)